Is It Un-American To Root Against The US Women's National Team During The World Cup? | Dan Zaksheske

The 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup begins Thursday. The US Women's National Team starts its quest for a three-peat on Friday. But if you're rooting against the USWNT accomplishing that feat, does it make you un-American?

That's something that I, personally, wrestle with. At first glance, it seems that yes it does. You should root for your country to be successful in everything. That's how almost every country's citizens feel.

Except, the USWNT has such a complicated history with the United States that it muddles things a bit.

Let's start with the last time the USWNT took the field at the FIFA World Cup. That came in 2019, and the team won the championship.

Prior to the tournament, several players -- obviously including the far-left-wing, pink-haired Megan Rapinoe -- started to kneel during the United States national anthem. While wearing jerseys emblazoned with "USA," mind you.

In fact, the players planned to do it during the World Cup. But US Soccer mandated that they stand and show respect for the country they represent. And they weren't happy about it. Players demanded an apology and told US Soccer to repeal the policy.

Yes, how dare US Soccer force players representing the USA to show respect to America on a national stage. Those xenophobes!

This of course is in sharp contrast to how other countries' athletes react during their national anthems. Take the 2022 FIFA Men's World Cup, for example.

During the playing of several anthems, players from around the world were brought to tears upon hearing their nation's national song.

Those players wanted nothing more than to win the World Cup for their homeland.

The US Women's National Team does not compete for the United States. Not really.

They compete for themselves. The players want to gain fame and notoriety and make money. Of course, as Americans -- living in a free, capitalist society -- that's certainly their right. But does it mean I have to root for them to do it?

USWNT constantly pushing radical left-wing talking points leading into 2023 World Cup

Then, there's the issue of their desire to constantly push hardcore left-wing political agendas. Some of the players even support biological men competing on the US WOMEN'S National Team. Which, of course, would displace ALL of the actual women on the team.

That's the team I have to root for simply because they wear USA on their chests? While the rest of the world watches, the USWNT constantly disrespects the country they represent and they make remarks that most of the rest of the world laughs at. Things like, "hey men can get pregnant, too."

Even during their "equal pay fight" -- for which they won a completely undeserved ESPY award -- they diminished the US Men's National Team.

As part of the legal proceedings, they had to explain why they deserved more money. And that meant proving that their team is more valuable than the men's.

In that proceeding, the players claimed that they "win more" than the men. Objectively, that's fact. But it lacks some very important context.

First of all, men from every country in the world are free to pursue a career in athletics. That's not true for women. Some countries don't allow women to show their heads and/or faces in public, let alone kick a soccer ball.

So, right there, the pool of teams able to compete on a global scale is already smaller.

As OutKick Founder Clay Travis puts it, the teams with the best odds to win the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup are basically ranked based on how free the women in that country are to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

Guess which country ranks #1 in that category? That's right, the United States.

The same country that some of the USWNT can't stand. That "oppresses" them as women. The country that provides them with the opportunity to play soccer for a living and make millions of dollars doing Nike commercials.

They wear Nike clothing, most of which is made by Chinese workers, majority of which are probably women. Want to bet those women would much rather be playing soccer?

Megan Rapinoe, after being forced to stand for the national anthem, still issued a decree.

"I'll probably never put my hand over my heart," she told Yahoo Sports. "I'll probably never sing the national anthem again."

Rapinoe recently retired from soccer but she's still going to compete for the US Women's National Team at the 2023 FIFA World Cup.

Which means Americans have to watch her angrily stand during the playing of the US national anthem.

Add it all up, and the USWNT makes it complicated when it comes to rooting interest for the 2023 FIFA World Cup.

But ultimately, does rooting against them make someone un-American?

No, it doesn't. In fact, I might argue it's the most American thing that one can do. Why? Because you're exercising your inherent right to freedom of speech. One of the most important ideals in this country.

The USWNT can trash-talk the country all they want. Are they punished? No, instead they're frequently rewarded for it.

So, if I choose to root against them, that's my right.

That's the beauty of the United States.

God Bless America.

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to Outkick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named “Brady” because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.