Drunk Soccer Fan Tries To Show Boobs On TV But Reporter Saves (Ruins) The Day

An Italian reporter has become public enemy No. 1 after depriving the world of the best part of live television: the spontaneous boob flash.

That's right.

An ... excited ...  Heart of Midlothian fan - she goes by Natasha on Twitter - was eager to show off the tattoo of her favorite club earlier this week when journalist Tancredi Palmeri leapt into action and saved the day at the very last second.

The tattoo in question, if you haven't figured out by now, wasn't exactly on her forearm.

Heart of Midlothian fan Natasha needs to show off boobs

What extinct from our guy, Tancredi! Talk about having your head on a swivel. And how about the boyfriend, who knows exactly what's about to unfold?

Not his first rodeo, clearly.

“No, no, no,” he quickly says.

Too late ... almost. Tancredi then springs into action and throws his hands in the way of any NSFW action before the fellas in marketing have a heart attack. Crisis averted.

But wait! Natasha then pulls the okee-doke 20 seconds later and tries to show off her tattoo AGAIN!

The sneak attack doesn't get past Tancredi, though, as he again throws his hands into harm's way to spare the kids watching on TV.

Things even get so dire that the boyfriend jumps in and tries to lend a hand ... literally.

Finally, after nearly two minutes of tense action, the saga comes to a close. All's well that ends well, I guess.

Natasha later took to Twitter and said she "heard the boys say Heart of Midlothian so ran over n well this is my consequence ahahaha.”

Fair enough.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.