Warning - Your Cell Phone Alarm Will Go Off Today From FEMA Test, But What Does It Mean?
Don't be concerned later today when your cell phone alarm suddenly starts going off, or so the government wants you to think.
No, it's not an Amber alert. And no, don't look out the window because it has nothing to do with the weather. Rather, for some reason FEMA is going to be testing its Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts across all cell phones, televisions and radios at 2:20pm ET.
Of course, the government is telling you not to think much of the alert and that it's only be done for precautionary reasons.
Phones will receive the "THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed," message while television channels and radio stations will have the alert for 30 minutes across their feeds. The government has previously only done this a handful of times and hasn't since 2021, to a much lesser degree. So why now?

FEMA will send an emergency cell phone alert today. (Getty Images)
Immediately, tin-foil hat social media began assuming the worst because that's what they do. How loud and at what pitch will the tones be? Well, we're not quite sure but don't worry because a FEMA spokesperson said that there were "no known adverse health effects from the signal."
Yikes, maybe we should be concerned. Talk about "trusting the science" to a new degree!
And isn't it strange that it always feels that something weird happens hours or days after these government 'precautionary' tests happen?
Some TikTok theorists are claiming that EAS frequency is going to set off some sort of nanoparticle chemical that is already in our bodies or found in cell phones and all sorts of crazy health issues are going to appear. Others believe that it's just the government gearing up for things to hit the fan sooner than later. A Russian nuke attack? The Zombie Apocalypse? Don't ask me, I'm just reporting what I'm seeing out there on the Internet streets, damnit.
As always, we can blame The Simpsons for once again having a prediction come true.
Personally? I think this means the aliens are finally coming out. No doubt about it. Especially with all the buzz from recent Congressional hearings. I fully expect to wake up one morning and we are in the middle of the third (yes there was a sequel which was terrible) Independence Day movie.
Regardless, there's a movement online warning people to turn their cell phones off at 2:20pm today (the only way for the alarm to go off even if you turn off your emergency alerts). You can do that if you'd like, but personally I'd be more concerned about if I'm driving at the time or if your pets are going to be nearby, because once again we don't know how loud this thing is going to be.
Godspeed everyone. See ya on the other side!