NYC Stores Are Now Locking Up Ice Cream Because Shoplifting Is Out Of Control
New York City's new reality is giving residents a worst headache than a brain freeze.
Due to the city's increase in crime as well as a massive surge in shoplifting, grocery stores are now locking up ice cream. But this isn't because there's a craze about a new cookies and cream spin-off, but rather because the criminals know they can simply get away with it.
“To help maintain the lowest possible cost, a protective lock has been placed on some units of ice cream," a Fairway store sign reads. The ice cream carton tops are now bolted at the top, or have devices that only store attendants can open. It follows a recent trend as seen in places like CVS that are locking products up like they're gold at Fort Knox.

NYC stores are now having to lock up ice cream over an increase in shoplifting. (Photo Credit: Helayne Seidman)
All across American cities crime continues to be a problem. It's not just the lawbreaking that makes it bad, but the sheer blatantness of it. People are doing absurd things and not even trying to hide it anymore. Whether its stealing tens of thousands of dollars at an Apple store in broad daylight, or
And don't even think about intervening, you may lose your job if you work for Lululemon. How dare they try to look after the very company they work for afterall - those fools.
According to law enforcement one of the main reasons for why things seem to be chaos lately is because of a growing push for criminal reform including a push for no bail policies. Thus, people can literally be arrested multiple times in a day knowing that they will just be let out - sometimes without not even having to pay a fine!
Of course the frustration and inconvenience of having to get someone to unlock a shelf so you can buy toothpaste, or needing a bolt cutter to get ice cream for your kid's birthday party is going to have a financial effect on local stores as well. People will just order from Amazon or via a delivery service app.

Stores continue to have to adapt because criminals and shoplifters are only getting worst. (Photo by: Lindsey Nicholson/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
The American people aren't fools, despite how much our politicians want us to think we are. If criminals are able to freely walk on the streets only to repeatedly commit crimes, law-abiding citizens will leave. The numbers back this up - just look at the number of people leaving New York City and Chicago, while San Francisco office occupancies are at 1/3rd of what they were just a few years ago.
Perhaps what's most frustrating about the whole thing is that rather than fix and address the problem, "our leaders" are making you and I have to adapt. Rather than confront criminals and punish them for oh I don't know, actually breaking the law, we are the ones that now have to be worried about everything from getting mugged or attacked by some lunatic that should be locked up to a hassle of just buying basic necessities from a grocery store.
Criminals need to be reminded that when they hear the word "Freeze!" that it's not for them to head to the freezer and steal ice cream.