Flight Attendants & Airport Employees Are Making Sure Passengers Are Real After Woman Goes Nuts About 'Not Real' Person

People have been losing their minds over the last few years at airports and on airplanes. Whether the stress of travel is getting to them, or they're being hit with some sort of gas as they walk through the doors at the airport, something is being flipped in some people causing them to freak out.

Most travelers are able to make it from point A to point B with minimal issues, certainly without throwing hands or completely losing their minds. But those passengers aren't going viral and aren't as entertaining as the ones that are going nuts.

One of those who recently lost their mind was a woman who delayed an American Airlines flight from Dallas to Orlando earlier this month. For those of you who missed it, she claimed that a fellow passenger wasn't real and that she needed to get off the plane.

"I'm telling you, I'm getting the f*ck off and there's a reason why I'm getting the f*ck off and everyone can either believe it or they can not believe it," she said as she exited. "But I'm telling you right now that motherf*cker right there is not real."

For the record nobody on that flight died and the passenger who the woman claimed wasn't real was never identified. There were some theories about a man in a green hoodie, but n concrete evidence has been presented.

Adding to the mystery is the fact that the woman who delayed the flight wasn't identified either. Was she actually the passenger who wasn't real?

Maybe This Woman Did See A Passenger Who Was Not Real

It's a question that some are hoping we eventually get an answer to. The reality is we might never get to the bottom of it. Just one of those viral moments that remains a mystery.

For now flight attendants and airport employees aren't taking any chances. They're wisely using their free time to make sure the passengers they come in contact with are real.

And to record themselves doing that for TikTok views. Because if you're not going to get attention for it then why do it? Is it going to reduce the number of passengers who aren't real? Who can say?

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.