Host For Democrat Propaganda Arm MSNBC Says Democrats Lack A Propaganda Arm
MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan asked that we imagine what it'd be like if the left had a propaganda arm to offset right-wing media.
"Imagine if liberals or the Dems had a nationwide messaging apparatus, an actual propaganda arm, which pumped out Jared Kushner’s name and alleged misdeeds daily, 100s of times," tweeted Hasan.
"Then you start to understand the messaging imbalance in this country & how GOP gets away with so much."
If only.

MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan.
On the topic of imagining, imagine how naive Hasan must be to tweet that while working for MSNBC, a left-wing propaganda arm.
The purpose of MSNBC is to smear the right and push progressive talking points. Hence the deployment of Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, Chris Hayes, and to a lesser degree this Hasan character.
Hour by hour, no network is more partisan than MSNBC, more indifferent to the truth.
Last year, the network reprogrammed the lineup to eliminate news shows like MTP Daily to make room for more left-wing opinion programs.
When not pushing propaganda, MSNBC can be found inflaming hate. Here are some recent editorial decisions from MSNBC:
-- Declaring exercise a “far-right” way of life. (Seriously.)
-- Labeling ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ "insidious" for being "pro-American."
-- Warning Americans not to celebrate July 4 because they might "get shot."
-- Calling for "rich white people" to take Justice Sam Alito to see the Titanic where he would disappear.
While MSNBC is the most overtly left-wing operation, it's far from the only one. CNN is similar. Slate, The Daily Beast, NBC News, The Washington Post, and NPR are also arms of the Democrat Party.
And those are just the far-left outlets. The majority of the corporate press is made of left-leaning editorials from the likes of The New York Times, LA Times, ABC News, CBS News, and the AP.
Right-wing media exists to offset legacy media. The conservative press covers Hunter Biden because its news and establishment outlets bury his mishaps.
Last week, MSNBC ignored the IRS whistleblowers testifying about Hunter Biden‘s criminal case in front of the House Oversight Committee entirely.
We rarely fault MSNBC for its animated editorial decisions. There is a market for white-hot liberal commentary. In fact, MSNBC is often more open about its biases than CNN, making it the most respected brand. Hasan notwithstanding.
The edict at MSNBC is understood: distribute progressive propaganda and let the facts be damned.