The Attendance For Last Night's Athletics Game Was Pathetic

I've never been to Oakland -- and I'm almost certain I'll never go -- so I don't know what people do there for fun. I do know, however, it is NOT going to Oakland Athletics baseball games. That, evidently, is a big no-no nowadays out west.

The ones who do go like to heckle players -- we know that. But that's very few and far between.

The baseball isn't dying crowd may wanna look away for a minute:

A's walk-off against Indians and nobody sees it

My God. I know the Coliseum is a dump and the A's are a poverty franchise, but that's just pathetic. Like, what are we even doing here?

How about that last stat, too?! Eleven Triple-A games had a better turnout yesterday than an actual MLB game. Embarrassing.

There's also another stat going around that says at least 8,000 people have been in attendance for every MLB game this season until last night, when 3,407 people braved the elements out in Oakland.


It's pretty sad what's happened to the A's, because they used to be fun as hell. Obviously we all know the Moneyball teams were great, but even as recently as a few years ago this franchise was a contender.

And now ... this.

For those wondering -- and I certainly was because I couldn't name a single player on this team -- here's the A's lineup from last night's big win:

How about Jesus Aguilar still playing baseball in 2023? Who knew. And I guess Ramón Laureano is just gonna be stuck in Oakland forever with an absolute cannon of an arm and nothing to show for it?


Anyway, a quick Google search tells me that tickets for today's Indians-A's game -- which starts in like four hours -- are going for $16 right now.

Personally, I'd rather the 24-pack of Busch Light.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.