Hulk Hogan Tells McAfee He Should've Leg Dropped The Booing Libs

The Hulkster was THIS close to snapping into his old ways and going Hollywood Hulk Hogan on Hollywood.

Speaking on the Pat McAfee Show on Monday, the WWE legend addressed last month's incident in which a Los Angeles crowd relentlessly booed him when he appeared on the January 6th RAW on Netflix debut. Hogan says that it came down to one thing - politics, and the liberal Los Angeles crowd hating him for being MAGA and supporting President Trump's reelection bid. 


When McAfee first brought up the awkward booing, the ESPN host tried to pass it off as it if was an absolute shock and something that nobody could have foreseen. Hogan, however, felt differently.

"Oh I did yeah. Some of it is the political stuff, but you’ve got to remember the last time I ran hard in LA I was a bad guy. I was Hollywood Hogan, I was riding dirty with the boys, you know, Nash and Hall," Hogan said. "We were spray-painting people and crotch shotting everybody, so last time I was there I was a heel, but I think politics had a whole lot to do with it," the 71-year-old Hogan said.

Back when Hogan got nearly booed out of the building, there was some debate whether it was because of his politics or the fact that wrestling fans were still upset over leaked messages from years ago in which he used racial obscenities. McAfee subtly brought this up when he told Hogan that in addition to his politics there were also "some other things," at play, but Hogan quickly moved the conversation back to wrestling and beer. 


"Yeah, but the one thing is, I was talking about my [newly released] beer, we’re in a relationship with the WWE, you know they’re my partner in this thing, and I had to be a good guy in LA," Hogan responded before saying he wish he could have leg dropped the entire LA crowd and went full on heel.

"Now if this was for wrestling and they turned on me like that? I would’ve turned into Hollywood Hulk Hogan and said, "So you hate me for everything I’ve done for all the make-a-wish kids and everything I did for your kids? Well, guess what, I did it for the money!"Hogan shouted.

"And by the way, since you want so much hatred coming your way, I hope you have a good time when Kamala Harris is your new governor and you’re all standing in the soup line, mic drop, see ya, but I couldn’t do that. I was ready, I was ready to go after them!"

As I reported last month, Hogan signed a new partnership with the WWE that includes various appearances as well as promotional opportunities for his new Real American Beer. 

And yes, although it was extremely uncomfortable watching the crowd boo him that night, if I'm the WWE I am fully embracing it. What better way for Hogan - whose theme song is "I Am A Real American," than to go absolutely WILD on anyone that disagrees with him? It'd be the 2025 version of Hogan vs The Iron Sheik.

After all, it is professional wrestling, which to be honest is what politics seems to be becoming more and more these days. 


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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.