Australia To Stop Reporting On Myocarditis Cases Related to Covid Vaccine

At a time of heightened concern regarding an increase in myocarditis cases and what connection, if any it has to the Covid-19 vaccines, Australia has decided to stop reporting on it.

The bizarre reversal came last week in a new Covid-19 Vaccine Report that was released by Australia's Department of Health and Aged Care and the Therapeutic Goods Administration. (The equivalent of America's Department of Health & Human Services)

With so much uncertainty and questions about what appears like more myocarditis cases - especially in younger people and in athletes that are in prime shape, one would think that there would be MORE studies being done. Not Australia though and there are concerns that the U.S. may do the same thing.


Australia's leading governmental healthcare agency writes that because "reporting rates of myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination are very stable," that they are just going to STOP reporting on myocarditis in there safety reports.

Their solution? Linking back to previous safety reports and studies! I guess the whole "science is constantly evolving," argument only works when it works in one's favor?

Perhaps most disturbing is that this significant change regarding myocarditis reporting is barely being reported. It's secrecy is suspect at best while its silence speaks volumes.

There isn't even a definition on what "stable" means but don't worry - just trust the experts.


Australia's decision is also troubling from a sheer optics standpoint. At a time when there is vaccine hesitancy - the best way to get over that is thru transparency - not less there of. Australia's latest move is only going to bring even more distrust in health institutions and perhaps with some cause.

For example, the AstraZenica vaccine that Australia rolled out to many of its citizens... guess what - it's no longer available due to causing blood clots and what is known as thrombosis. Did you hear about that? And what about all the people who were forced to get the shot at risk of losing their jobs, not being able to enter places or face being publicly ridiculed? They can't do anything about it. They literally took a vaccine that has been PULLED. It doesn't even exist anymore. "Woops! Our bad!"

Think I'm kidding? A woman in Melbourne, Australia, literally can not get a heart transplant because she refuses to get the Covid vaccine. She's just supposed to "trust" the same government that is now deliberately withholding safety studies on myocarditis.


Just like Australia's AstraZenica vaccine, the United States had a similar situation here when they pulled the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Unfortunately, maybe some of you that got the J&J vaccine may not even be aware that it literally can not legally be given in America anymore due to health concerns regarding its serious side effects. And, because it was administered under a "Public Health Emergency," you have no legal recourse - you can't sue anyone. Oh, the original Covid vaccines that we all got by the way aren't being given either. *face palm*

Let me sum everything up like this:
This isn't a pro-vaccine vs anti-vaccine argument. (And yes, I'm vaccinated)

This has to do with the fact that hundreds of millions of people across the world received vaccines that have more side effects than many were originally led to believe. This is a well documented fact and can't be disputed. And if you didn't know about Australia pulling a vaccine, or didn't know about J&J pulling their vaccine, or that Australia is now not reporting myocarditis anymore... then maybe you also haven't heard about all the myocarditis cases including the heart attack death of 28-year-old professional basketball player Oscar Cabrera Adames a few weeks ago.

Unfortunately, if we continue to suppress information just as Australia is now doing, it will only be more difficult to learn more about incidents that may eventually directly affect you or your family.

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.