New York Democrats Are Proposing Tax on Netflix and Ubers Because They Have Destroyed The State

New York Democrats have proposed a 4% tax on Netflix and Uber, in an attempt to try and subsidize growing mass transit fare hikes.

That's right.

New York City's MTA - which has gotten billions upon billions of dollars and still remains a crap show, is now asking for even MORE money.

In 2020 and 2021, the MTA received nearly $3 billion in federal COVID-related aid, but apparently that still isn't enough.

Must be great to award incompetence. I clearly got in the wrong line of work.


You see, in order for the city's Metropolitan Transit Authority to continue to run, they need at least a $1 billion this year. Otherwise, they are going to raise metro fares from $2.75 to $3.00 - as well as initiate other taxes across the state.

Yes, $1 billion to have to walk into the wonderful world of a subway where you too can experience a homeless person dropping a dump in front of you, be randomly attacked by the "Green Goblin Gang," sit in a puddle of urine, and of course that's only IF you manage to make it on the train safely and not shoved onto the tracks beforehand, which is becoming a weekly occurance.

The Netflix and Uber tax by Democratic lawmakers comes in response to New York Governor Kathy Hochul - who is also a Democrat, proposing an increase in payroll taxes.

Rather than oh, I don't know - actually FIXING THE PROBLEMS - both the Democratic Governor and the Democratic lawmakers are both adding additional taxes, not cutting them.

That includes taxing New Yorkers Netflix subscriptions, Uber rides as well as higher corporate taxes.


Isn't it amazing how every time there's an issue, the solution is to collect (steal) more money from the American taxpayer in the guise of something positive actually happening?

In the instance of the subway, they argue that the $1 billion is needed for track repairs and to keep the system running.

You had litearlly 2+ years where nobody was riding the subway because of your Covid mandates, seemed like a good time to fix the tracks then, no?

Same argument goes for those in local transportation departments across the country.

Many cities and towns didn't have people driving nearly as much because everyone had been working remotely. Yet, they decide to do road construction now, causing a disturbance for everyone involved.

Politicians love disorderly chaos because it strengthens their position. They don't want to fix problems - if they did, they would be out of a job.

It's all a game. And the people are starting to realize it more and more these days. Unfortunately, the citizen is the one that always gets the brunt of it - with them now going after our damn Netflix subscriptions!

No wonder Hochul and New York City Mayor Eric Adams recently changed the state's slogan to "We Love NYC!"

They not only want everyone to be miserable together, they want to take more money from you to pay for your own suffering.

Now excuse me while I Uber home to watch my Netflix before it's going to be more expensive.

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.