Stephen A. Smith Mocks Cowboys Fans As Cockroaches While Sitting In Private Jet

Stephen A Smith is committed to being the troll whenever it comes to a Dallas Cowboys loss.

Despite Smith's Philadelphia Eagles (barely) being able to hold on Sunday over the Cowboys, that didn't stop Stephen A from being Stephen A.

From the comfort of his luxurious private jet, Smith hopped on his phone to send a heartwarming troll to Jerry Jones and his fanbase across the country - even likening them to COCKROACHES.


“Since those Cowboys fans are like cockroaches, a nuclear bomb can drop and some of them survived," Smith began after hysterically laughing.

“You thought you were going to do it, but then an offside penalty, another penalty, an incomplete pass and there you have it, you lost the game - and as a result and all likelihood, you lost your chances at the division crown," Smith made sure to add with every word hitting harder and harder.

Anyone who knows Stephen A. Smith knows that this isn't anything new for him - the man has an unhealthy relationship with the Dallas Cowboys. Even though he claims that he can't stand them he also can't stand... to give them up. It's like a toxic relationship where one keeps going back to their ex.

“I know that they didn’t want to see this video of me right now, and that’s why I made it," Smith acknowledged.

Sure, Stephen A can be annoying and over the top and yell louder than his guests just to prove his point - even if sometimes that point doesn't even make sense.

But one thing that won't ever get tired? Smith ripping the Dallas Cowboys, one of America's most hated teams unless of course you are a Cowboys fan. Love to see it.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.