Jason Aldean's Anti-Riot Song Flying Up iTunes Charts After Woke CMT Yanks It

The woke mob -- led by CMT -- may not like Jason Aldean's new song -- Try That In A Small Town -- but guess who does?

The American people. And, like the Target boycott song last month, they've made their stance crystal clear.

Aldean's newest banger, which has the left in an absolute tailspin because it's pro-gun and anti-riot, is the fastest rising song on iTunes as of Wednesday morning.

It's currently the No. 1 country music video, already up to No. 64 in Top Songs and the most downloaded song of the day so far.

That last stat, by the way, comes from several sources that track daily iTunes charts.

'Try that in a small town' by Jason Aldean is an iTunes hit

Once again, we have a pretty clear divide between sane people and the wokes on Twitter and in the media. Never fails.

It happened with Target, which continues to lose money on Wall Street after May's kid pride debacle. The Target Boycott song, if you remember, also reached No. 1 on iTunes after its release.

It's continuing to happen with Bud Light, which has seen sales tank for almost four straight months.

Now, it appears to be happening with Jason Aldean, who came under fire this week for his latest song and music video, which promotes the messages that the nonsense you see in big cities wouldn’t ever fly in rural America.

An insane message to promote, I know, but Jason Aldean went there and it instantly melted the left's brains.

The video, which was quickly removed by the cowards at CMT, features video footage of the riots that swept across America in 2020 that resulted in major damage to American cities and communities.

While that triggering video was removed from CMT -- which, frankly, I didn't know still existed for anything other than King of Queens reruns -- it's now the top video on iTunes.

Weird how that works.

Anyway, Aldean took to Twitter to say he wasn't gonna bend the knee to the lunatics on the left, and I hope he doesn't. When you've angered that side to this extent, you know you're doing something right.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.