Twitter X And Aaron Rodgers Have Us Confused, Adam Sandler Hits The Court And Logan Misuraca Heats Up Racing

It's Wednesday, but Twitter X just can't seem to get over the hump. We'll examine the X fiasco momentarily and stick with our theme by also laying eyes on "X"-Packers darkness retreat goer, Aaron Rodgers.

And don't worry, in between X's and O's we'll hoop it up with the Sandman and hit both the track and the beach with Logan Misuraca.

Just be glad we're not taking my ride to do so...

And that's exactly where we're going to start this journey. As I'm sure you remember, in May I told the Nightcaps brethren that my wife and I were in the market for a new ride. Well, we went the Chevy route and it's been smoother than a butt blessed with DUDE Wipes.

Until the end of last week.

Now, by no means is the car unsafe to drive or overly obstructing. So it's not like the busted windshield has either of us navigating the local roads as if we're seven non-Bud Light's deep. It's more cosmetic than anything. But, it needs fixed. Fortunately (and sometimes unfortunately), we both work from home, so we're not in any major hurry to dip into that Fox Corp. paycheck.

Anyways, if any Safelite Auto repair techs want to hook your guy up, I promise to gift you a free lifetime subscription to Nightcaps.

So About That Whole Twitter X Thing

In my opinion, Mr. Musk has gotten things more right than wrong since dropping $40+ billion to purchase Twitter. But over the weekend he (by most accounts) swung with all the success of Mario Mendoza - at best - when he introduced the X.

Here we are on Wednesday, and as mentioned above in my so finely written "lede," (which is fancy Big J word for opening sentence) we still have no idea what the hell is going on with the X. Is it a joke? Do we still call it Twitter? Is it now just called X? Are they tweets or X's? The little blue bird - Larry - is gone from the desktop version of Twitter or X or whatever it is. Yet, he's still flying about as the image on my app.

We're all collectively confused. And, truthfully, you can call the social media app anything you want and also change the logo daily. Doesn't matter to me. As long as I can get instant access to Joey Mulinero impersonation videos and Magic Johnson's insanely obvious observations in real time, I'll still be a user (Non-verified of course. You think I'm paying $8/mo in Biden's economy?).

That doesn't mean I don't agree that the whole X rollout is weird. Though, I'm not quite as frightened by it as user tom_peters!

Makes me wonder what our guy Tommy P was scrolling through on the previously-named bird app that had so much positive human exchange. My guess is it was all the friendly banter about politics and Covid vaccines.

For what it's worth, I would've added a letter and told everyone to suck it. But Elon didn't ask me.

Aaron Rodgers Looks Weird

You what else looks goofy, Aaron Rodgers. Danica Patrick's ex has been scootin around the practice field with his new team in New York. In between, the newest Jet has found time to participate in a photo shoot or two. Sadly, said photo shoots apparently don't include filters, because ARod looks old, skinny and like something you'd find at a discount QB store. Maybe even sitting next to a half-off Elvis Grbac on the shelf.

Boom! Roasted. The internet remains undefeated.

Tough to argue with all these. My man's seen better days. Then again, he's making more than $50 million this year and he doesn't have a woman holding him down taking half. I'd say he's doing just fine.

Adam Sandler Hoops It Up In New York

In addition to Rodgers, another old guy recently put his athletic feats on display within the confines of the Big Apple, and arguably looked a tad younger than QB1. That old guy was none other than Adam Sandler who hit The Rucker or Harlam, or maybe just some random NYC court over the weekend. He did so alongside fellow actor Timothée Chalamet.

I'll be honest, I've heard the name before and I know Chalamet's well-known, but if he was standing next to me I'd have no idea who he is. Nor could I tell you anything he's been in. But, I do know he was part of the Sandman's 3-on-3 run and rocked some cargo shorts while doing so.

The New York Post tells me the pair acted together in 2014's “Men, Women, & Children." I'll take their word for it. My Sandler rolodex features more of the classic like Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, Mr. Deeds and The Waterboy.

And I suppose I can scroll through X to find out what else Chalamet's in, but why subject myself to the negativism, aggression and hatred our guy T.Peters alluded to above?

All that's beside the point. The morale of the story (actually, there's no morale here, but work with me), is that Sandler's still awesome and all dads should appreciate the fact that his wardrobe is permanently parked in the mid-'90s, like that of my own.

If you're looking for enormous basketball/gym shorts and a t-shirt to match, Sandler's got you covered.

NBA fashion legend T.J. Ford would be proud of Adam Sandler's look.

Oh, and this hardly the first time Sandler's hooped it up in memorable fashion. He's a regular hooper and quite literally, will wear anything - even a polo - as long as it allows him to get up a few shots.

Logan Misuraca Keeps Summer Hot

From the court to the track we go. I'm long overdue in doing so, but it's time to welcome Logan Misuraca to Nightcaps. The 24-year-old professional stock car driver previously made a brief appearance in Screencaps (call it a pit stop - I couldn't resist), Nightcaps' big brother. But, she's yet to appear here. And that's a shame.

Misuraca is the first female driver to be sponsored by popular fitness drink Celsius and it's not hard to see why. The Florida native is currently racing part-time in the main ARCA Series, sitting behind the wheel of the #63 car.

If anyone can unseat racing/Nightcaps queen Danica Patrick in this space, it just might be Logan.

Sea Lion Isn't Happy

Though racing is very much a spectator sport, Sea Lion chases are not. But that changed this weekend at a beach when an unhappy sea lion at La Jolla Cove in San Diego made its way out of the water and toward tourists.

The beach's visitors were apparently told to stay 10 feet away, but since when have such warnings ever stopped anyone before? Many didn't keep their distance and one sea lion in particular was not thrilled with the idea of having to share their home. I mean, I can't really blame the sea lion here. This happened on Sunday. Everyone knows Sundays are meant for doing nothing other than giving the liver a rest after Saturday night, napping and soon, watching an abundance of football.

"I understand their excitement and they want to get close, but it's nature. You got to give a distance," Perez Estrada, a local, told The Daily Mail.

One thing's for certain, Dan Campbell has to be thrilled with the aggressiveness of these probably-willing-to-bite-your-kneecaps lions.

Boston Celtics' Jayson Tatum Gets It

You know who else is down with giving visitors a show (though not in the charging at you kind of way)? Jayson Tatum of the Boston Celtics. In a seemingly anti-everyone else in the NBA move, Tatum expressed his desire to play more, not less.

See, Tatum isn't down with the whole load management era and he has a good reason as to why he won't shut it down when healthy.

Kawhi Leonard has to be dumbfounded.

In a video posted by Nike Elite Youth Basketball, the 25-year-old Boston star said the following:

"Man, I don’t decide shit, we’re playing the Hornets tonight, chill.’ I only get to go to Charlotte two times a year. Somebody paid their money to come watch me play. Not trying to be arrogant, but there’s a bunch of kids in there with my shoes and my jersey on," said Tatum.

He then added: “And just because we’re playing Charlotte on NBA League Pass on a Monday that ain’t nobody f—ing watching, I’m chilling tonight. That’s not what the best players do. … Ranked player or not, big game or not big game, compete. Play basketball. Don’t take this shit for granted.”

Tatum's never missed more than eight games in a season since he entered the league in 2017.

That's Refreshing Stuff And Speaking Of Refreshing...

How about a Natty Light in a weird cuzzie? Or should I say "brewzie?"

I appreciate the creativity, but there's no way I'm walking around with my beer in a faux leather sack. But to each their own!

Happy Birthday Ari Gold Jeremy Piven!

On our way out the door, let's raise a celebratory brezie to actor Jeremy Piven, best known for playing super agent Ari Gold in Doug Ellin's Entourage. Piven turns 58 years young today. He delivered one of the most iconic lines in TV history that still resonates today: "Let's hug it out, bitch!"

Since this originally aired, many have tried to duplicate it. Only one's come close. Naturally, that one is courtesy of Michael Gary Scott and Dwight K. Schrute in The Office.

We'll Hug It Out In August

Ok, my work here is done. We'll do it again next week when we turn the calendar to August and get one step closer to football season. Or is it SZN? In the meantime, enjoy the Nightcaps leftovers!

*OutKick’s Nightcaps is a daily column that runs weekdays around 4pm EST.

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