Perfectly Normal Activists Throw Tomato Soup On Van Gogh Painting, Glue Themselves To Wall
Ever get so fed up in life you just felt the need to throw a can of tomato soup at a Vincent van Gogh painting?
Of course you haven't - you're normal!
Same can't be said for a couple 'Just Stop Oil' activists across the pond, though, who decided enough was enough with the country's obsession with oil and took matters into their own hands.
Just Stop Oil activists throw tomato soup at van Gogh
That'll teach 'em! Stop the drilling, STAT.
Love that audible gasps in the background, too. I'm not going to lie, it must have been shocking to watch unfold in person.
You're just sitting there, having a nice day at the museum, taking in some of the prettiest art of all the art (shoutout to Roy from The Office), and then BAM! Tomato soup all over Vincent's Sunflowers!
The 85-year-old softly saying "security" is also hilarious. Too late, pal. What's done is done. We have a message to get across and we're going to ... glue ... ourselves to this tomato-covered wall until you hear it.
Let's talk about that, too.

You're going with glue? That's how you're gonna stake your claim to this wall? Most go with the tried-and-true handcuff method, but you're gonna give some Elmers some run?
By the way, we're not done yet!
Ah, now it all comes full circle. You're more concerned with protecting van Gogh's precious paintings than you are with the rising gas and food prices.
"Can't even afford to heat a tin of soup!"
That's a fair point, by the way. My electric bill was INSANE this month. I, however, just cussed out my stupid Duke Energy app and hit the "pay now" button.
It probably didn't convey the same message as ruining a perfectly good painting of sunflowers with a tin of tomato soup, but to each his own.