Apple's New Headset Is Causing Chaos All Over The Streets

Watch out everybody, the tech geeks are coming for ya.

In recent days, there has been a large amount of people rocking Apple's new ‘Vision Pro’ headset goggles out in public, and it's causing absolute chaos.

By now you've probably seen the videos on social media of people of all ages looking weird AF wearing a giant headset and reacting to literally God knows what while the rest of us are meandering through our Earthly presence. 

However, just like the person that stares down at their cell phone and walks into a water fountain, people are being warned about their safety - as well as the safety of others while wearing the headsets. In fact, even Pete Buttigieg has found time out of his very busy day of doing absolutely nothing, to warn people not to wear a headset while they're driving on a damn highway.


Heck of a job there, Pete. By the way, has your boss been to the Ohio train derailment site yet? 

The Apple Vision Pro headsets began rolling out last week for the nice, affordable cost of $3,500. They essentially allow one to live ‘within the Metaverse,’ which is like being in a video game. For example, the headsets use technology that allows you to use your eye and hand movement to perform tasks while in certain apps that no one in the real world around you can see or knows what you're doing.

The outcome? Just imagine being in a crosswalk and this guy is walking past you as he's literally touching things that only he sees in his goggles. What happens if there was a person or a dog next to him when he just starts prodding away with his fat, sausage fingers? Sounds like a lawsuit (or a black eye) waiting to happen if you ask me.


The goggles also allow you to watch various TV shows and movies on the go, while enjoying a 3d spacial experience when doing things like Facetiming your friends. I don't know why I would need to drop over $3,000 just to experience a better Facetime call, but apparently some people want to. 

But don't be mistaken, these techies want us to believe that they're better than us, but really their common sense is pitiful. Whether it's that guy just begging to get into a car crash above, or this genius that decided to wear the headset on a New York City subway. 

Have you read the newspapers lately, kids? NYC is a cesspool - you are a walking target. Good luck identifying the suspect to officers by the way! "If you see something, say something," is suddenly going to bring about complaints from people playing Farmville, or even MonopolyGo

Meanwhile here's a bro that you just KNOW is annoying from the cockiness in his walk. Talk about trying too hard. My dude looks like he was transported from an 80's DEVO concert. 


If you thought people were incapable of having conversations before, just wait until they get a hold of Apple Vision or some of the other Meta products that "the always trustworthy" Mark Zuckerberg wants to sick on you and your children. 

Fortunately our OutKick audience aren't fools with over 90% of you saying that you want to live your life and not going to be sucked into "being that guy" wearing a damn computer mask when it's 90 degrees and sunny outside. Good luck with your dating life, fella! 

Thoughts? Opinions? Tweet me @TheGunzShow!  

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Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.