MonopolyGO Is Causing Mayhem As Friendships and Relationships Are Ruined

A new digital version of Monopoly is causing absolute chaos across group chats as it's putting friendships and relationships against one another - all in the name of winning.

MonopolyGO! has been out since last year but is surging in popularity the last few weeks.


Case in point:

Four days ago I got invited by a friend into the "MonopolyGO!" group chat that currently has something like THIRTY people in it. If anyone knows anything about group chats, that is entirely too many - anything over 8 is ridiculous unless it's a Fantasy Football one.

But then, a different friend group of mine asked yesterday if I was playing MonopolyGO! "Yeah... obviously," I responded before receiving multiple invites to add them to my 'Friends' tab on the digital game. I kid you not just minutes later, I received ANOTHER invite from a different friend who saw that I was playing the game across my social channels. I soon began searching MonopolyGO! and found that there are hundreds of thousands of other lunatics dealing with the same digital board game drama just like me.

Yes, that geriatric, barnacle-wearing suit man is still alive and kicking while the rest of us are stressing out wondering if our building landmarks are going to be destroyed by our former friends anytime we open this damn app.


When you first play MonopolyGO! you think "Ohh this will be great! I get to kill time by playing Monopoly with my friends and family, what could possibly go wrong?!"

And then you step into the thunderdome.

What makes this game different from regular Monopoly is that it is SUPER competitive. This isn't just a have friends over for game night and some wine on a Friday. No, my friends, this is more drama than a political conversation at the Thanksgiving dinner table.

For example, when you land on any of the four railroads you immediately get transferred to a screen that allows you to take a giant wrecking ball to one of their landmarks. (Each map level has five landmarks based on a particular theme - for example, Italy has the Venice canals and the Coliseum, etc.)

And when you swing that wrecking ball, you not only can destroy that person's landmark and make them start all over, but you will also take their digital money that they spent hours collecting. On top of that, those sicko developers over at Monopoly Land created a game that allows you to 'target' which friend or family member you want to attack, which causes ALL sorts of mayhem.

Yesterday, I woke up to my friend who we'll call "Bob" that has been my homie for a decade now, when all of a sudden he decided to single me out and attack me FOURTEEN TIMES like an unhinged lunatic.

The next time I see "Bob" in person there will be A LOT of passive aggressiveness.


One of my other group chats is consistently flooded with reactions like "Son of a bi***!" To "Oh, you A-hole..." or "I am never talking to you again." It's wild!

The game also allows you to purchase (with real money) some dice rolls if you run out during the allotted time period. I highly advise you to NOT do this. A friend of mine did so and now her husband has now forbid her from dropping any more money on a damn iPhone video game.

My friends who have kids say this game is routinely causing brothers and sisters to get into fights.

This is Farmville on steroids in 2024 and the fact that it's so easy to wreck - AND RECEIVE havoc at the same time is just something that feeds on people's emotions and that Darwinian survival-of-the-fittest savage mentality that we all have underneath our bones.

Go download it and enjoy - but don't say I didn't warn ya!

Thoughts? Opinions? Comments? Drop me a follow on Twitter: @TheGunzShow