Maggie Sajak Briefly Replacing Vanna White On Wheel Of Fortune Ruffles Feathers

Maggie Sajak -- the 29-year-old daughter of tacklin' Pat Sajak -- is back to riling up the internet as she prepares to fill in for Vanna White on Wednesday's Wheel of Fortune.

The question is simple, but the answer is anything but: who ya got? Maggie or Vanna? The up-and-comer, or the classic? The reboot, or the original?

It's a question that's divided the internet -- and society -- for years now, and usually flares back up every few months. Sort of like Herpes.

With country singer Maggie announcing that she's set to spin the wheel tonight while Vanna steps into the ring, the dimly-lit fire was rekindled in a big way.

Is this how it ends for Vanna White? A sign of things to come? Or just a bump in the road?

Ding, ding, ding!

Pat Sajak accused of grooming daughter Maggie for Vanna White's job

Merry Christmas indeed!

Tough to argue with those above results, but the internet is DIVIDED on this one. First, some context.

This won't be the first time Maggie Sajak has filled in for pops -- not even close. Hell, Google tells me her first Wheel of Fortune appearance was back when she was 1.

Since then, Maggie's replaced Vanna a handful of times for various reasons, including late last year.

While she's been a social correspondent for the show since 2021 -- whatever the hell that is -- spinning the wheel for Vanna is a whole other ballgame, and that one touched a nerve last December.

"They are so grooming Maggie Sajak to take over for Vanna. Nepotism at its best!" one angry Reddit user wrote.

"The whole Maggie Sajak thing annoys me to no end. I cringe whenever they show her and her made-up 'social correspondent' job," another added.

Vanna White -- for those who are reading this from your high school algebra class -- was the girl back in the day. She taped her first show way back in 1982 and has been stealing hearts of great Americans ever since.

She's also a model, a former Miss Georgia contestant, and appeared on the cover of a 1987 Playboy -- which should surprise nobody.

As I was saying, Vanna White was her back in the day -- many believe she still is.

Which is why Maggie Sajak filling in for her -- if only for one night because Vanna is actually going to be a contestant -- touches certain nerves across the country.

So, we'll ask again -- who ya got? Maggie or Vanna?

Buckle up.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.