Madonna's 'Disgusting' Instagram Includes Sexual Siracha, Licking Dog Bowl

Madonna's Instagram content continues to be must-see stuff ... if you like sexual positions with kitchen condiments and potentially furry fetishes.

The 'Queen of Pop' went completely off the rails in her latest post, which was a 40-second "music video" that started off rather harmlessly, but ended with her getting cheeky with a bottle of Siracha and licking a dog bowl.

Both 100% true sentences, by the way.

Disturbing Madonna Instagram video goes viral

As the late great Keith Jackson would say, Whooooooooooooa Nellie!

Madonna turned 64 in August, and has apparently embraced the weirdness that comes with middle-age. I don't understand anything in this video, and I'm quite sure I never will.

I mean, what's the deal with the mustard and siracha? Why?! And then the dog bowl! Madonna, please, we're begging you to not do that anymore.

And by 'we,' I mean all of us.

Fans of the iconic singer voiced their concerns over the troubling video, with some calling it "disturbing" and others saying the reel comes off as "desperate."

"I just don't see you gaining new fans with this overly sexualized senior citizen persona, but I do see you loosing existing fans," one person commented (we'll ignore the grammatical snafu here).

"Her recent postings show lack of humility, poise and grace," another said. "And only a pathetic sense of desperation that begs for humiliation and disgust amongst her fans. And my question is WHY???"

"Recent postings," you ask? Well ...

Some of Madonna's recent stuff includes her twerking in lingerie, saying she's not circumcised, and also maybe coming out as gay in a TikTok? Fans are still up in the air on that one.

Anyway, the top-selling female music artist of all time is still a content machine nowadays, just in a very, very different way.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.