Bill Simmons Does Not Like Prince Harry-Meghan Markle, Calls Them 'F---ing Grifters' After Spotify Split
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have a habit of rubbing practically everyone the wrong way. Now, The Ringer founder Bill Simmons is calling them out after their split from music and podcast giant, Spotify.
Spotify called it a day on their partnership with the former Royals after the $20 million they paid them yielded one season of a Meghan Markle podcast no one listened to. The first — and only — season of her podcast, Archetypes, is 12 episodes, and that is the only series the company got from them.
That's $1.66 million an episode. Howard Stern wishes he could cut a deal to do so few shows for so much money.
While a lot of people weren't impressed by them in this instance, Simmons was closer to the situation than most. Spotify owns his company, The Ringer, and Simmons serves as Spotify’s head of global sports strategy.
He revealed on Friday's episode of The Bill Simmons Show that he has a story from the company's Harry and Meghan debacle.
“I wish I had been involved in the ‘Megan and Harry leave Spotify’ negotiation,” Simmons said before joking that they should've launched a podcast with them called The F---ing Grifters. "I gotta get drunk one night and tell the story of this Zoom I had with Harry to try to help him with a podcast idea. It’s one of my best stories.”
I would like to hear this story. You would like to hear this story. The world would like — no, needs — to hear this story.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle took Spotify to the cleaners. (Photo by Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images)
Simmons Is Just The Latest To Find Harry And Meghan Completely Unlikeable
Simmons' ire toward the unbearable husband and wife is more than justified. You hear people like fellow Spotify castoff Jemele Hill complain all the time about Joe Rogan's Spotify deal for $100 million. However, Rogan at least produces enough content — several 3-hour podcasts a week, plus video — to make that price justifiable.
Harry and Meghan's deal is the real albatross. Not since the Broncos signed Russell Wilson has anyone gotten so little for so much.
Hell, Harry and Meghan may have more bathrooms in their house than they do in podcast episodes.
Hopefully, Simmons weaves this yarn about meeting Prince Harry over Zoom. What is Spotify going to fire him for bashing the "f---ing grifters" who hosed them out of $20 million?
I don't think so.
Well, whatever the case, we can add Bill Simmons to the expanding list of people — including Piers Morgan, South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, and even the Royal family — who have had about enough of their antics.
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