NY Attorney General Threatens Hospitals Who Don't Defy Trump Order On 'Gender-Affirming' Care

U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on January 28 titled "Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation." New York Attorney General Letitia James isn't happy about that order and has sent a letter threatening state hospitals if they refuse to provide "gender-affirming care" to minors.

Trump's order is pretty straightforward. He wants to make it, essentially, illegal to perform transgender surgery or use chemically-castrating medication – which is life-altering – on individuals under the age of 19. 

Once a person reaches 19 years old, he or she is free to do whatever he or she wants with his or her body. If that means attempting to turn "his" body into "her" body, then so be it. 

RELATED: If Gender Dysphoria Is A Social Contagion, What's The Remedy?

But to chemically castrate and sterilize children is objectively terrible. Thus, Trump wants to stop it, and that's a good thing. To do that, he has ordered that federal funding be pulled from hospitals who prescribe puberty-blockers, sex hormones or perform transgender surgeries on children. 

As the EO says, "The blatant harm done to children by chemical and surgical mutilation cloaks itself in medical necessity, spurred by guidance from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which lacks scientific integrity." 

But Letitia James thinks that these are good things for kids, and they must remain in place in her state. 

According to the New York Times, James sent a letter to New York hospitals that states, "Regardless of the availability of federal funding, we write to further remind you of your obligations to comply with New York State laws.

"Electing to refuse services to a class of individuals based on their protected status, such as withholding the availability of services from transgender individuals based on their gender identity or their diagnosis of gender dysphoria, while offering such services to cisgender individuals, is discrimination under New York law."

New York Attorney General Letitia James wants state hospitals to ignore an executive order by President Trump

James' letter contains, honestly, one of the most absurd statements I've ever seen from an elected official. And that's saying something

James asserts that "withholding the availability of services from transgender individuals… while offering such services to cisgender individuals" is against New York law. 

But hold on a second. Hospitals are instructed to "withhold" very specific procedures. They are not withheld from "transgender" people and offered to "cisgender" people. 

Those procedures are withheld from everyone (under the age of 19). This is the opposite of discrimination – it's an across-the-board policy applied to all people of a specific age group, and regardless of their "gender identity." 

In addition, James neglects to note that these policies only apply to persons under the age of 19. (Most) adults are free to do as they choose with their bodies. If they want to have their genitals mutilated, and/or castrate and sterilize themselves, they can do that and hospitals can choose to perform those life-altering actions without facing the consequences of losing federal funding. 

Of course, those doctors have to answer to their consciences, but that's a separate issue. 

Trump EO opens the door for Democrats to control the language, which is important to left-wing politicians 

Democratic politicians are obsessed with language control, hence referring to these life-altering procedures as "gender-affirming care" instead of the reality that these are chemical and surgical castrations. 

Part of the problem with Trump's order is setting the age at 19 instead of 18. While 19 is reasonable – since many individuals turn 18 while still in high school – it allows Democrats like James to control the language. 

They don't have to say that Trump is withholding these surgeries from "minors" since, based on the legal term of minor, which defines a minor as a person under the age of 18, technically there is a small group of non-minors who are also excluded. 

Of course, American law doesn't allow the sale of alcohol or tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21, but people like James want children to have access to life-altering medications and surgery in the name of gender ideology. 

Thus, their position still doesn't make logical sense. 

But, as we've learned, logic goes out the window for the left-wing when it comes to the gender ideology movement. 

Nothing is more important than the party – and, perhaps more importantly, the agenda – even if it means ignoring their precious "science." 

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.