Novak Djokovic Has Perfect Response To Heckler Who Yells 'Get Vaccinated, Mate!'

Tennis legend Novak Djokovic, who is sane and doesn't have six different COVID jabs in his arm, had the perfect response earlier this week to a loser heckler who yelled "Get vaccinated, mate" during the Australian Open.

Djokovic was serving at match point of his third-round win Friday when a member of the woke Melbourne crowd decided to open his boosted mouth and challenge the Serbian.

Djokovic took a step back -- you can almost see a grin! -- and then proceeded to fire a piss missile at Argentina's Tomas Martin Etcheverry to win the match.

That's #MyGoat!

Novak Djokovic is pro-sanity

Hilarious. Has anyone in the history of sports ever been more vindicated than Novak Djokovic? Seriously.

Guy is one of the few athletes who actually has a pair of nuts on him -- looking at you, Travis Kelce -- and stood up to the vaccine nonsense right from the jump.

And he was ridiculed for it. Penalized for it. Mocked.

But he stood his ground, told the losers to stick the jab where the sun don't shine, and now he's been proven 1000% right.

And guess what? For you haters who say he's harming the world with his anti-vax stance -- it's not anti-vax! Even better!

"I was never anti-vax," Djokovic said after winning the US Open title last year. "I was always pro-freedom-to-choose. And that's something that we took really for granted. I didn't feel like a lot of people had a choice, really."

Love this guy. Go get major No. 25 now.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.