Youth Baseball Coach Intentionally Walks 6-Year-Old Batter In Pure Lunatic Move

A youth baseball coach is facing heavy criticism after deciding to INTENTIONALLY WALK A 6-YEAR-OLD batter.

On Sunday, the Twitter (X) account @Bmatt0416 sent out the box score from the game. Despite both team names being blacked out to protect children's identities, you can see that the league was "6u" which means six-and-under, as well as a batter being "intentionally walked" in the bottom of the third inning according to the box score.

I mean as our dear leader Clay Travis will attest, it's one thing to argue (and get tossed) from a baseball game for yelling at an umpire, but it's an entirely different story when we are now intentionally walking 6-year-olds.


The first thing we need to address is how insecure is the baseball coach?

What kind of obsessed psychopath is so hell-bent on winning a game (that ended 18-16 by the way) that he has to intentionally walk a 6-year-old who may very well not even be able to add 18+16.

And although I'm not entirely sure, I do know that many if not all 6u leagues still have the coaches pitching. Meaning there's a real good possibility that this coach stood up there and intentionally walked the batter. Honestly, I have no idea how the opposing coach held it together or the kid's parent didn't absolutely berate the pitching coach.

Unfortunately this is just another example of sports having the FUN taken out of it by adults and the powers-that-be. These kids are so young that they are trying anything and everything just to figure out what they like.

I remember when I was younger I played soccer, baseball, hockey, basketball, did gymnastics even though I hated it and oh yeah, ran outside as a kid. At 6, you have no idea what's going on in the world. Ever go to a little kid's birthday party? It's MAYHEM. You have kids running around, somebody always gets the markers or paint out and destroys something, another kid ends up falling into the bushes, while the ice cream bucket falls and splatters all over the kitchen floor. It's chaos.


I assume that this coach also had a kid on the team. Imagine what his kid is going to have to deal with if his father is so damn petty and acts like more of a child than the kids themselves? Just ask LaVar Ball.

Between intentional walking kids to parents and coaches getting into fist fights with umpires or each other, we are quickly losing it as a society.

The only thing that's guaranteed about making things so serious for kids playing sports is that ultimately they are going to end up resenting what's supposed to be fun. People like this coach are going to take the joy out of the game itself all because they were losers themselves and still have a chip on their shoulder about not winning the state championship back in God knows when.

This coach needs to stop living in the past and realize that just because his glory days are over means that he gets to ruin it for someone else's future.