Rob Gronkowski’s Ex-Teammate Shares TE’s Legendary Partying

Party hard; play harder. That's the M.O. that helped, nay, inspired Rob Gronkowski to play his way into the pantheon of all-time NFL tight ends.

With several championships and copious Pro Bowl selections, Gronk makes a strong case as arguably the best to ever do it (much thanks to the QB GOAT Tom Brady, of course).

Amid all those championship parades, NFL audiences got to see just how hard Gronk can party. And we're talking Belushi in "Animal House" levels of partying.

Here to corroborate the legend of the party monster is former Pats teammate Jake Bequette.

Appearing on Prime Time with Alex Stein, Bequette delved into Gronk's history of partying and just how erratic the TE got on the nights before a big contest.

"We all had these key fobs that gave us 24/7 access to the Patriots facility there in Foxborough, and during the offseason, Gronk would go out all night with his boys in Boston, stay up till 3 or 4 in the morning, whatever it was, and have his crew drop him off at the Patriots facility," said Bequette.

"And he would, like, stagger into the Patriots locker room, key fob in, and go pass out on the training tables in the Patriots training room."

From emergency IVs to passing out on any flat surface after a night out, the legend of Gronk makes a case for the Frat Boys Hall of Fame.

Bequette added, "So then, like an hour or two later, when the trainers would come in to start their workday, they'd come in there and see Gronk just sprawled out on the training table, just fast asleep. They would go over there; they wouldn't wake him up, they would roll up one of his sleeves and, you know, stick an IV in his arm.

"After a couple hours, he would just wake up like Frankenstein revived and go out there and just kick ass."

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick - living in Southern California.

All about Jeopardy, sports, Thai food, Jiu-Jitsu, faith. I've watched every movie, ever. (@alejandroaveela, via X)