Pat McAfee Doubles Down After Boxing Backlash While Other ESPN Colleagues Remain Insufferable

You wanna know how Pat McAfee holds all the cards – or at least a ton of them – over at ESPN? 

A day after he went on their airwaves and actually dared to say that – GASP – men shouldn't be allowed in women's sports, he came back on and … doubled down. 

No apology. No real groveling. No weeping and begging for forgiveness. 

He just basically reiterated what he said Thursday in response to the ongoing boxing drama in Paris – that when his show smells BS, they're gonna call BS. 

Amen! More of this, please:

Pat McAfee doesn't back down, RGIII chimes in with a predictable take

It's a wild way to operate for ESPN employees, at least ones that aren't insanely woke or insufferably progressive. To be able to double down on a (sane) comment and not have to run and hide? The suits and ties in Bristol today must be foaming at the mouth!

By the way, this happened just one day after Dan Orlovosky deleted a tweet earlier this week that simply said "protect our daughters."

I would imagine he was bullied into doing that in some way, shape or form. Duh. Of course he was. 

Meanwhile, RGIII – who has become intolerable since joining the World Wide Leader (shocking) – went on a Twitter rant just last night about how those of us who don't think Imane Khelif is a biological woman are the actual dangerous ones. 

Seriously. He said it. Look!

Insanity. These people are just lunatics. I don't get it. They truly live in a different world. If Orlovsky had any balls (pun intended), he'd call out RGIII this morning, because that last part is so clearly a shot at him. But that would be a massive no-no at ESPN. Dan would lose that fight. 

And by the way … whispering that doesn't make them a man after telling us she has higher testosterone makes RGIII sound and look so stupid. Maybe not. But it also doesn't make it fair, which is the whole point here. 

And it's also what Pat McAfee said originally on Wednesday. Take a look:

Those few minutes got everyone riled up on social media. Seriously. People actually found that offensive, including, apparently, RGIII (he really doesn't care but likes the engagement, which is also what 99% of the left does). 

Anyway, while Orlovsky was forced to delete his tweet, RGIII's four minutes of fame are still up and at ‘em on Twitter this morning. But it's also nice to see Pat McAfee not back down – especially on ESPN's own airwaves. 

Few people can get away with it over there. It's evident that Pat is one of them. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.