NYC Snowstorm Switches Up Plans For Morgan Rielly In-Person Hearing, Will Now Be Virtual (As It Should Be)

One of the biggest stories in the NHL since this weekend has centered on Toronto Maple Leafs defenseman Morgan Rielly and the way he completely lost it after Ottawa Senators forward Ridly Grieg blasted a point-blank clapper to cap off the Sens' 5-3 win over the Leafs on Saturday night.

Grieg broke an unwritten rule in hockey that you just don't do that, but Rielly's decision to cross-check him in the head has drawn just as much criticism if not more.

Shades of Dale Hunter clobbering Pierre Turgeon in '93, huh?

Well, Hunter was suspended 21 games for that, and once the dust had settled on the Rielly incident, it was revealed that he would be having an in-person hearing with the league.

That's key because it means that a suspension of more than 5 games is still on the table.

However, there's been a slight change of plans: Rielly's in-person hearing, won't exactly be in-person.

According to TSN's Darren Dreger, the hearing will be virtual because of the threat of inclement weather that is about to hit New York City.

According to Fox Weather, the nor'easter causing havoc in… well, in the not east, dumped 1-2 inches of snow per hour in New York City, which is where the NHL's offices are.

So, Rielly will have to hop on a Zoom call with the Department of Player Safety as they decide his fate.


Which begs the question: why aren't all disciplinary hearings held virtually?

I mean, once things like Facetime and Zoom became ubiquitous, why are they making guys hop on planes for hearings? The only thing I can think of is that it's part of the punishment.

"You've had to deal with XYZ and JFK, now to complete your punishment, here's a 4-game sussy…"

I bet you Morgan Rielly is happy about this news. Sure, he's bumming about the imminent suspension, but being able to hear that news while wearing lounge pants.

I say that goes in the win column.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.