Kevin Durant Jumps On Twitter Space Where Fans Were Ripping On Him

In what could be one of the most Kevin Durant things Kevin Durant has ever done, Kecing Durant hopped on a Twitter Space called "Kevin Durant is not top 5."

The Phoenix Suns star joined unexpectedly to offer his dissenting opinion.

"I think how ya'll even look a the game is whack as f***," Durant told his fellow Twitter Spacers. "Playoff success, like, you factor in team success when you're talking about players.

"I just think how you consume the game is trash."

There are two things I enjoyed about the first part of that clip. The first was a player willing to stand up for himself against fans who are talking trash (and not doing it from a burner account).

And, secondly, speaking of trash, I would gladly purchase a t-shirt that said, "I just think how you consume the game is trash." I just feel like that line applies to many facets of life.

Durant seemed to argue that players should be judged with a simple question.

"Like, are you good or not?" he asked those assembled in the virtual town square. "I mean some things can be that simple. Are you just good or not?

"I mean, a lot of people have seen it for a long time, brother, and that's It's okay," he said. "These lists don't matter anyway, so why are you getting so upset about 'em."

Although, their takes on that kind of list were enough to reel him in, so...

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.