Dwyane Wade Confirms Florida Dems Asked Him To Run For Office Because, Let's Face It, Who Else Do They Have?

Former Miami Heat star and Basketball Hall of Famer Dwyane Wade has confirmed that Florida Democrats have approached him about finning for office.

Why? Does he have good policies? Good ideas? Does he even have political aspirations?

Nope. It would just be a Hail Mary to unseat Republican Sen. Rick Scott.

However, fear not, Floridians: Wade himself said there have only been talks of him getting into the political arena.

"I mean, it's just conversation," Wade told The New York Times. "'Hey, you would be good for,' 'Hey, we can see you in,' 'We would love to have you in.'"

"It's things that I'm passionate about that I will speak out on and speak up for. And so I don't play the politician games. I don't know a lot about it," he said.

"But I also understand that I have a role as an American citizen and as a known person to be able to highlight and speak on things that other people may not be able to because they don't have the opportunity to do this."

Wade Confirmed A Report From Earlier This Year

In that interview, Wade confirmed a report from earlier this year that Florida Democrats were looking at him and fellow former NBA player Grant Hill to take on Scott.

It makes sense, especially seeing as Florida appears to grow redder with every election cycle.

However, do we really want political parties having athletes who played in a state run for office based solely on the fact that they played for a local team?

Hell. No.

It almost feels like they think the average voter is too stupid to want to concern themselves with policies, which isn't true.

Although, Democrats being out of touch with the majority of voters is par for the course, isn't it?

And speaking of out-of-touch, given Wade's post-career penchant for hyper-wokeness, I don't think he would resonate with the vast majority of Floridians.

The idea that party officials and donors would see which NBA star they can drag into politics instead of reevaluating their platform, is completely laughable.

Maybe back off on some of the wacky ESG stuff. Stop trying to undermine parents. Adopt more sensible economic policies that will help people's wallets so they don't have to skip a rent or mortgage payment to buy groceries.

Y'know, things that might actually appeal to voters.

Meh. Or just get Dwyane on the blower.

Follow on Twitter: @Matt_Reigle

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.