Female Fan Destroyed By Security After Running On The Field

During a rain delay between Nashville SC and Atlanta United, a women ran onto the field and was folded by security. Per usual, social media was up in arms because now a woman can't be tackled when she breaks the law. If we want equal rights, we must also face equal punishment, correct?

Security pummeled the women to the floor with an audible 'damn' at impact. The video has now circulated Twitter over 300,000 times, and opinions are divided. Some think the tackle was too much, while the rest accepted the brutality of the hit with open arms.

Us? We're all for it. This isn't much of a women's rights issue because the second you step onto that field you're no longer male or female (or whatever gender you want to make up). You're a threat.

Security handled this just as they always do and just because a female runs out onto the field, doesn't mean they wouldn't possess a gun or a knife. We're glad this situation was handled this way and look forward to all wrongdoers to face the consequences of their decisions. Don't want to get form tackled by a grown man as a woman? Keep your behind in your seat like you're supposed to.

One fan in the audience was heard complaining over how this was handled.

"I know no one wants to encourage pitch invasions but this seems a bit unnecessary, they knock this women out cold and for what?"

Because direct threats to players and staff are no longer threatening when they're unconscious. That's why. Pretty sad we even have to explain this.


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Gary Sheffield Jr is the son of should-be MLB Hall of Famer, Gary Sheffield. He covers basketball and baseball for OutKick.com, chats with the Purple and Gold faithful on LakersNation, and shitposts on Twitter. You can follow him at GarySheffieldJr