People Won't Stop Visiting Netflix's "The Watcher" House And Neighbors Are Pissed

The hottest new series on Netflix right now is "The Watcher," a drama based on the real-life story surrounding a mysterious New Jersey house. The trailer immediately went viral and social media can't stop talking about the show. And others won't stop showing up to the '"Watcher" house.

Neighbors of the house located at 657 Boulevard in Westfield, NJ are getting increasingly frustrated at the droves of people showing up to get a glimpse of the popular house. Some have even traveled from as far as the United Kingdom!


"The Watcher," tells the story of a couple moving into what they thought was their dream home back in 2014. Shortly after closing however, they began receiving mysterious and creepy letters when they began planning to do renovations.

"Do you need to fill the house with the young blood I requested? Once I know their names I will call to them and draw them to me. I asked the to bring me young blood," one of the letters read.

The letters became increasingly terrifying as they began including personal details about the family. The typed letters included the children's nicknames as well as references that only someone would know if they were actually in the house.

I'm currently watching the show and I haven't Googled to find out what happens in the end so I literally can't tell you anything more about the show. All I know is it's damn good so far.


The Westifled, NJ house is the actual location the series is based on, however the show was filmed at a different house located in Rye, New York.

However that hasn't stopped nosy people from wanting to see for themselves just what this series is all about.

According to neighbors, tourists are driving by all hours of the day to see the house. Earlier this week there was a line of cars down the block. The situation becoming increasingly hostile as one neighbor drove by screaming at the people to go home.

Another neighbor telling that they feel bad for the family that is currently living in this house, who may not even have known its backstory when they purchased it.

“We are all concerned for the family living there now and their neighbors,” the neighbor told the outlet. “I cannot imagine how long it will be before people lose interest so the neighborhood can go back to normal, nor can I imagine how much mail the poor current owners will receive from crackpots all over the world.”


Unfortunately for residents of the neighborhood, it doesn't seem like the buzz is going to die down anytime soon.

It's gotten so bad that Westfield Police have put up a police barricade to try and control the crowds.

Not only is the house going viral right now because of the Netflix series, but it also encompasses a mystery. People LOVE that and become obsessed with it.

All these years later people still visit the Amityville Horror House in Long Island, especially during Halloween.

Or look at other houses made famous from movies. The Home Alone house is absolute madness during Christmas time. And even I went out of my way to visit the Brady Bunch house when I visited Los Angeles's Studio City (I was bummed to find out there's no AstroTurf lawn).

My only concern is that if visitors keep doing driving the neighbors crazy, we may end up having another The Watcher moment in 2022.