Olivia Dunne Rival Sydney Smith Shows Off Flexibility From A Yacht

It's official -- Sydney Smith, the NCAA's Most Flexible Gymnast -- has declared war on Olivia Dunne and the rest of the college universe.

The Southern Connecticut State star continued her dominant summer this week from a boat, showing off her insane gymnast skills from a deck down under.

Forget any oncoming icebergs -- Sydney Smith just melted them away. Take that, global warming!

Sydney Smith is coming for Olivia Dunne and the rest of the NCAA

Doesn't matter if it's a gymnastics beam or the Titanic -- Sydney Smith is the most versatile athlete around.

Now, is that how I'd spend my cruise vacation? Probably not. But I'm also not a budding superstar in the college gymnast world competing with the likes of Olivia Dunne, so I get it.

Smith, a rising senior, is about to embark on what I expect to be a ruthless campaign this season. She started to bubble up late last spring, but that was evidently just the beginning.

Ever since OutKick identified her in March, she's taken off like a damn rocket ship. Weird how that happens.

Her social media following has exploded, she's a weekly staple around these parts and the world is hanging on to every move. Don't believe me?

Just last week, Sydney Smith hit send on one of her simple 10-second TikToks and BAM, over 18 million views in just two days.

That, ladies and gentleman, is Olivia Dunne territory.

We have an absolute gymnast war on our hands. And guess what? Looks like it's all hands on deck from Sydney Smith's yacht.

Buckle up.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.