Denver Broncos Employing Bold New Strategy On Sunday: They're Going To Let Their Offensive Coordinator Actually Call Plays

The Denver Broncos are going nowhere this season and that means it's time to experiment. They're going to be trying a really wild strategy on Sunday against the division rival Chiefs: their offensive coordinator is going to call plays.

Crazy, right?

Despite owning the NFL's worst offense (dead-last in points per game at 15.5), Denver has yet to allow their offensive coordinator, Justin Outten, to call plays this season.

That will change on Sunday. According to James Palmer of NFL Network, Outten takes over as the team's third different play-caller this season.

Former head coach Nathaniel Hackett called the team's plays to start the season. That's not surprising, many head coaches call the plays. But, his offense wasn't working. Anyone with a functioning brain could see that.

Despite evidence to the contrary, Hackett does apparently have a functioning brain because he gave up play-calling duties mid season. But, he passed over his offensive coordinator. The one that he hired.

Broncos skip Outten, at first

Instead of handing duties to his offensive coordinator, Justin Outten, Hackett gave the reins to quarterbacks coach Klint Kubiak.

But after Denver fired Hackett, interim head coach Jerry Rosburg finally tabbed Outten to call plays today. According to Palmer's reporting, the Broncos have been trying to make quarterback Russell Wilson more comfortable.


I would argue that maybe they need to make Russell Wilson more UNCOMFORTABLE. Apparently, no one likes comfortable Russell Wilson. Not even Russell Wilson.

So 15 weeks into a lost season, the Broncos are finally allowing their offensive coordinator to actually do his job.

Bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for them.

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.