Arizona State Is So Bad Fans Watched Colorado Game Instead

Arizona State football is down real, reeeeeeeallll bad right now. For starters, nobody and I mean nobody showed up to watch them get crushed by Fresno State last night.

For the few who did attend, they lost interest the second Colorado-Colorado State kicked off. Can't blame them, frankly.

What a WILD sentence to write in 2023. College football is the best.

Arizona State football is lost

Electric atmosphere in Tempe yesterday! Hell, the only place in the country that was more into their football team was Buffalo.

If you know, you know.

Just a brutal state of the program right now out in Arizona State. Herm Edwards is long gone, there's a self-imposed bowl ban in place and it appears people have just given up.

The Sun Devils managed to scored exactly zero points last night against Fresno State, and their only win so far this year was a squeaker against Utah State Week 1.

Not great. Not ideal. And Arizona State is supposed to be a party school! You have to be really bad to get these kids to slouch in their seats and just check the hell out. They wake up ready to rock and roll, but going to a Saturday night football game puts them to sleep.


At least they got to watch a fun one out in Boulder, though! Deion Sanders and Colorado are recruiting everyone, including the student section.

Leave no stone unturned.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.