Harvard Continues To Harvard, Now Offering Class That Covers Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce Relationship

Do you remember when Harvard was regarded as the gold standard in education? When it was the school that everyone was supposed to shoot for? Yeah, well, these days it's the kind of place that puts out statements decrying "cisheterosexism" and "fatphobia," is overrun with anti-Israel protests, and now, is offering a course on the ins and outs of Taylor Swift's relationship with Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce.

That last one isn't as bad as the other too, but still... yuck.

A new course called 'Taylor Swift and Her World' is available to students and according to its instructor, English professor Stephanie Burt who spoke to TMZ, it will touch on the current state of Taylor Swift, i.e. her relationship with Kelce.

The course will explore the literary merit of Taylor Swift, and because her personal life is part of her songwriting, there must be some talk about her love life.

Wow, just when you think the state of the higher education system couldn't get any more bleak, you get this.

Easy A's Are One Thing But That's Not What Harvard Used To Be For

Look, I love an easy A as much as the next guy, but this is absurd. I'm the guy who took "Survey of Rock Music" in college. That class was so easy that by the time we got to the 1970s, I probably could've taught the class. I think I got like three questions wrong the entire semester. One was because I sneezed and clicked the wrong thing.

Fluff classes like this are part of college. However, I liked to think classes like that were only available at schools that I could get into. Not at "elite institutions" that were supposed to be churning out doctors and world leaders.

If we raised some of Harvard's most esteemed alumni like John Adams, John Quincy Adams (Nepotism, much?), Henry David Thoreau, or Theodore Roosevelt from the grave and told them what was happening, they'd be horrified. They'd first ask who Taylor Swift was then after you explained it, they'd never stop vomiting.

Except for maybe Thoreau. He'd probably like the sound of it.

I know not every Harvard student is taking this garbage, but stuff like this does damage at the institutional level. People used to look up to Harvard grads, and now these days you have to stifle laughter because this is the kind of nonsense going on there.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.