Former ESPN Insider Blasts Network Over Michigan Sign-Stealing Hypocrisy

Former ESPN reporter Brett McMurphy, who now breaks college football news on the regular for the Action Network, put his ex-employer on BLAST during Saturday's College GameDay. Of course -- like anything in the CFB world right now -- it was over the current Michigan sign-stealing scandal.

The fellas on GameDay were talking about the ongoing drama up in Ann Arbor when McMurphy, who was laid off back in 2017, chimed in on the site formerly known as Twitter.

He also brought a body-bag for everyone currently still employed at the World Wide (Woke) Leader.

"It’s ironic ESPN is hammering Michigan & Jim Harbaugh for sign-stealing when ESPN continually steals & fails to credit reporters & news organizations for news ESPN didn’t break."

Brett McMurphy puts ESPN in a body bag over Michigan

My God. What a bloodbath. I don't know Brett McMurphy at all. No idea if he's on the good side or not. Is he one of the typical woke members of the sports media? Who knows? Maybe?

But that right there is an A+ tweet, no matter which side of the aisle you're on. Anyone who hates ESPN and takes a dump on the network is good with me. So I guess I'm Team Brett!

To his credit, McMurphy does break a ton of college football news. That's the only reason I know the name, because I feel like I see him all the time this time of year on Elon Musk's app. I also remember the one time back in 2018 when ESPN dumped him and then he broke the Urban Meyer-Zach Smith news. Hilarious.

I also don't know for sure that current ESPN reporters steal other insiders' information and use it as their own. But I'd imagine that's probably accurate given, you know, the fact that they're ESPN.

McMurphy's comments are also interesting given the fact that ESPN has done a wild 180 on its Michigan coverage this week.

Clay Travis noted it a few days ago, and -- being the lawyer he is (was?) -- put together a couple context clues as to why.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.