ESPN Announcer Tries To Say 'Turn Clock Back' And Has Maybe The Worst Slip Ever

If you think doing live TV is easy, think again. Just ask ESPN announcer Tom Hart, who went to bed last night praying like hell that nobody was up late watching the Auburn-Vanderbilt game.

Unfortunately for Tom, we live in the age of social media and you can't turn the clock back.

Quick, say that last line 10 times fast! See? It ain't easy.

ESPN's Tom Hart is a grinder

Oh no. I've heard a lot of tongue-slips over the years -- some that have gotten people in big trouble -- and this one may now be my favorite.

You don't simply say "black cock" on ESPN and not go straight into the Hall of Fame of TV slipups. This is an all-timer from Tom Hart, and they both knew it right away.

"You can't turn the black cock black."


Perfection. In all fairness, Tom was right -- you can't turn it black if it's already black. Seems like an unnecessary time to tell us during the 8th inning of an SEC tournament game, but whatever. I ain't judging.

And you know what? I give Tom here a ton of credit for sticking with it, too. He could've just bailed from the thought entirely after saying "black cock" on ESPN, but he put his head down and kept grinding.

That shows me that Tom Hart is one determined SOB who doesn't start something without finishing it. We need more of that in today's world.

Hat's off to you, Tom. Hope you don't get fired.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.