Woman's One Night Stand Ghosted Her After She Ended Up In The ER

A trucker from the UK got a little too into things during a one night stand with a guy she met on TikTok. The hookup ended with an injury that required a trip to the emergency room. The experience was apparently too much for her date to handle and he ended up ghosting her.

Hayley O'Beirnes, a truck driver with a following of more than 17k on TikTok, relived the February night gone wrong during a recent interview. The 40-year-old told Kennedy News, "People could hear my screaming from the other rooms."

But it's not what you think. The screams were the result of an unfortunate injury she suffered. O'Beirnes, who also appears in the TV show Motorway: Hell On The Highway, says she planned a nice weekend out of town with a man, complete with a hotel.

The two had met once prior to the weekend getaway that turned into a disastrous one night stand. They went out for drinks and according to the mother of three things were "going really well." That was until they went back to the hotel.

The TikTok Romeo was on the shy side when it came to getting down to business. Like the trucker that she is, O'Beirnes decided to take the wheel and that's when the night fell apart.

"He was quite shy. I just went a bit too hard on him and folded him like a pretzel and did my back in in the process," O'Beirnes said.

"I just threw him around the bedroom, I was putting him in various positions and felt my back twinge and thought this is embarrassing." She added, "I was frozen in that position for a while, I couldn't move."

This Is Certainly Not Your Typical One Night Stand

The pain put an end to the evening's festivities and she's confident her screams were heard by others in the hotel that night. O'Beirnes attempted to sleep it off.

When that didn't work, and the pain was still there the next morning, she drove herself to the emergency room. Doctors confirmed that her activities from the night before had caused an injury. She had a torn muscle and tissue damage.

O'Beirnes was given painkillers and muscle relaxers before being sent home to recover. She spent 11 days in bed as she healed and was ghosted in the process.

"I was stuck in the house and he just went cold on me," she said. "After a week he just ghosted me."

I don't know that you can blame him. One minute he's enjoying drinks, the next he's being folded up like a pretzel in a hotel room. The situation gets so out of hand that she destroys her back in the process. That's tough to wrap your mind around.

After being ghosted, the truck driver was heartbroken. She hasn't been able to get back out there since, but that doesn't mean she's going to spend the rest of her life alone in the cab of her truck. She's ready to get back out there and give it another shot.

"I'm a kinky girl at heart," she said. "I can't wait to do it again - I just want to do it with the right person this time!"

That's the spirit, finding the right person is a good place to start. Perhaps implementing a stretching routine before hitting the bedroom next time as well. You don't want to be caught off guard again by a guy that needs to be tossed around the room. That's a good way to ruin an evening.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.