Woman 'Accidentally' Orders $2,400 Cocktail She Couldn't Pay For

A woman is claiming that she "accidentally" ordered a $2,400 cocktail which she was not able to pay for.

Sure, Jan.

Just admit you were hammered and thought it would be hilarious to order the most expensive thing on the menu, knowing full well that there wasn't any way in hell you were going to be the one paying for it.


In a now viral TikTok video, Lynsey Bennett was out on the town with her husband enjoying a lovely vacation night out in Ireland before the couple went back to their hotel. But Lynsey decided that she wasn't ready to call it a night yet and decided to continue her drunken shenanigans by going to the hotel bar for a nightcap.

That nightcap ended up being quite costly once Bennett thought she was ordering a cocktail called "1890," as if it was a Yellowstone spin-off series.

"I always drink champagne, I rarely drink cocktails," Bennett said on her TikTok before deciding to order the most expensive drink on the menu from the 5-Star hotel.

Unfortunately for Lynsey (or should I say - the restaurant) that was the PRICE of the drink that contained an expensive brand of champagne, some cognac, and gold leaf.

'Bombed' Bennett thought that 1890 meant $18.90.

And this is why we can't have nice things, Lynsey!!!

"They presented the bill for £2,000 (Euro), and I was like, ‘Uh oh, I can't afford to pay that," she said in her TikTok.


The bartender obviously started freaking out once he realized that Lynsey wasn't joking before rushing to get his manager. Lynsey says that the manager played it chill and said she could go back to her hotel room and that the hotel would figure out what to do.

In a follow up video, Lynsey said that she went back a couple days later to the same bar and talked to the manager who joked that the bartender was fired before saying that he still had a job but that he was undergoing additional training.

Gotta love 2024 - where people can get hammered and ring up thousands of dollars in bills and be like "Woops, my bad!" and act as if nothing happened.

Maybe next time she should just stick to Truly seltzers.

Those drunk Lynsey's - they'll get ya every time.

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.