Wheel Of Fortune Fans Pissed At Pat Sajak Over His Nuts

Eagle-eyed (eared?) Wheel of Fortune viewers are PISSED this morning after loose cannon Pat Sajak let one contestant seemingly get away with murder on last night's show.

Not murder in the actual sense, but murder in the Wheel of Fortune world -- which, by the way, is an absolute hellscape. Wanna get lost in a wormhole? Head over to what's left of Elon's Twitter and look up Wheel of Fortune. It's a zoo.

Anyway, back to Pat Sajak's nuts.

Last night, contestant Nadine from Toms River went to solve the crossword, with butter being the clue. Sajak, as always, reminded her to "say everything, don't add anything."

And then, right on cue, she pluralized the word nut and all hell broke loose on X.

Has Pat Sajak lost his fastball on Wheel of Fortune?

Anarchy. Pure, raw, beautiful chaos. I stopped at Brad, but could've gone on for hours. The angry posts on the site formerly known as Twitter are endless. People are out for blood over Pat Sajak letting Toms River Nadine get away with saying nuts.

I guess they're right, too. Technically. I'm no Wheel of Fortune fan, but rules are rules, and I think Pat slipped up here. Probably why he's on his way out. You think Pat Sajak would've missed this 10 years ago? Nope.

Listen to Brad! Brad apparently fell victim to these Wheel of Fortune technicalities back in 2018, and he's still bitter about it. Don't blame him, although adding a word over adding an "s" seems a bit more obvious.

Another good point was made in this morning's OutKick editorial meeting -- is this all on Pat Sajak? Who makes the final call here? Steve Harvey has the judges to fall back on over on Family Feud, but does Pat have someone in his ear telling yay or nay to these answers?

Pat Sajak is 76, folks. How many 76-year-olds do you trust to hear an "s" added to the end of the word? But again, this may be why Ryan Seacrest is being once again pushed on the world even though nobody really likes him and brought in to replace Pat.

Oh well. What's done is done. Frankly, I'm more of a Maggie Sajak fan myself.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.