Whatever You Do, Do NOT Look At This Woman's G-Cup Boobs If You Come Across Them In The Wild

Boobs are everywhere these days. Attempts to gaslight people into believing that they're not have failed badly. They were even in the middle of some crypto drama back in October.

An Australian woman blessed with G-cups would like you to stop with the dirty looks and less than flattering opinions of her boobs out in the wild. She's not going to cover up because you can't keep your eyeballs to yourself.

Hannah Zaslawski, a TikToker, is going viral for calling out women with "an opinion about my tits." She's just existing people, give her and her big boobs a break.

"I'm not going to wear a high-neck shirt everywhere I go just to keep all women happy," she said in the clip. "Stop looking! If it offends you, don't look."

Solid point here from Hannah. Don't look if you're offended by enormous boobs. She doesn’t need to walk around covered all the way up to her eyeballs.


In contrast, it's very likely some of the "offended looks" are actually looks of admiration. Let's not go around lumping everyone into the offended category.

Listen to Hannah and don't look if you're offended by big boobs

Some well-meaning people could simply be in a state of shock. They got a glimpse and are shaking their heads in an attempt to wake themselves.

"If I had a B-cup, there's no issue. But because I'm a G-cup, it's a f*cking issue," she added. "But look, I'm not doing anything offensive. And it happens every single time I go to the supermarket… I will have an old woman (give a disgusted look)."

We can’t go around pretending now, can we? Hannah's not walking around with B-cups. That's not the world we live in. Some women and old ladies aren't going to be happy.

But trust me, as someone not walking around with G-cups or anything for that matter of extraordinary size, they'll find something not to like. It's how the world works.

If she was a B-cup, it would be the way she wears her hair or dresses that would get under their skin. Some people aren’t happy no matter what.

I think most reasonable people don’t have an issue with Hannah being Hannah. Boobs aren’t going anywhere and those who don’t like it are going to have to learn to live with it.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.