'We Don't Need No Education' Oregon Just Dropped All Graduation Requirements

In 1979, Pink Floyd famously sang "Hey teachers, leave those kids alone." However, in 2023 Oregon's Department of Education is literally doing just that.

As if the deterioration of students education wasn't already ruined enough by Covid-mandated remote learning and the colossal screw up from the likes of school union leader Randi Weingarten, Oregon is now guaranteeing that future generations will be behind for years to come.

This past week the Oregon State Board of Education voted unanimously to suspend the state's "Essential skills proficiency requirements" that set minimum basic standards for math, reading and writing skills in order to graduate high school.

Their reasoning? Apparently having any sort of educational standard is OFFENSIVE and DISPARAGING to children. Suddenly knowing that 10+10=20 can be racist.


In a statement, the useless Oregon Dept. of Education argued that requiring students to complete standardized tests presented a “harmful hurdle for historically marginalized students” and represents "a misuse of state tests." God only knows what the hell the purpose of tests are if there's already a problem with simple ones that focus on basic arithmetic and knowing how to complete sentences.

No shocker here - the state's most powerful school union known as the Oregon Education Association (OEA) went full on Weingarten crazy and agreed with the Dept. of Education's request to ruin the Beaver State's future.

Oregon's decision is just the latest nefarious move as America's education system continues to be in the dumps all but guaranteeing that other countries are going to pass us by.

Anyone who is a teacher or works in any sort of social program knows that by lowering the standards, you are only guaranteeing that the bare minimum will be met. We've seen this time and time again. With so much bureaucracy and an out-of-control school union, the writing is already on the wall, ergh uh chalkboard - we are screwed.

Schools should be doubling down on the the country's educational standards right now especially coming out of the nonsensical Covid remote learning. Instead, the DOE wants to blame everything from social media, to not enough school funding, to racism and more as to why students are so far behind.

In math we are taught to solve the problem. Maybe our leaders should do just that.