There Is Now Green Ooze Throughout New York City Streets

New York City is doing just great.

No, seriously... it's always fantastic when movies become real.

That's because new viral photos and videos show a bright green ooze seeping through NYC's pavement, sidewalks and roads. Ya know, totally normal. "Nothing to see here, folks!" said no one ever.


The random green ooze is being likened to something from two movies that ironically also took place in the Big Apple in the 90's.

The first one many on social media referenced was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the green mutant ooze that turned the pet turtles into well, real-sized mutants.

Others on social media are saying that the green ooze reminds them of the Ghostbusters 2 pink slime that nearly took over the whole city were in not for Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson to save the day.


As someone who has lived in New York City for years, nothing really surprises me anymore. We're New Yorkers - we just ignore everything and go on with our lives. As they say in Ghostbusters 2, "Being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every New Yorker's God-given right."

But I can definitively say that I've never encountered random green ooze just popping out of 7th avenue. And the fluorescent color of it? I'm sure that can't be good for business.


After the photos went viral and New York City was labeled not just its' stereotypical dump but now a toxic dump, moderators on X came to the rescue to inform everyone that the ooze was actually “water full of green dye. Plumbers frequently use harmless, fluorescent green dye to detect leaks in plumbing and sewage systems."

Yes, that's right. Plumbers use it "So frequently" that green ooze is just a regular occurrence don't ya know?!

Anyway, congrats to anyone who had real life Ghostbusters or Ninja Turtles happening in the year 2023. Can't wait for the next movie - based on a true story, of course.