Texas High School Pushes Back Graduation Because Only 5 Students Were Eligible, Which Seems Unfathomable
A Texas high school had to push back their graduation date by a month because only 5 students were eligible.
Marlin High School, located in Marlin Texas announced that the new graduation date will be sometime in June as only 5 of the 33 seniors fulfilled the necsesary requirements.
They said that many were not eligible due to "attendance or grades." Not that surprising considering a new study shows that more than half of America's students have fallen back a full grade of learning due to the Covid-mandated school closures.
Meanwhile, Marlin school district announced that they will switch to a four day schedule rather than five days in way to entice students to show up to class as well as make sure that they are provided "the necessary resources and support" in order to graduate.

Honestly, this is pretty sad and depressing to hear.
The school lockdowns and the deterioration of our schools - much of what was deliberately unnecessary by teacher's union President Randi Weingarten, has failed an entire generation of children that may never recover from it.
Marlin says that they will continue to hold their students do Texas state's senior requirements despite the pitiful performance. The school's Superintendent added that Marlin's "commitment to excellence remains unshaken."

Randy Weingarten and the school union's held students back from returning to classrooms. (Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images)
Reactions to the school's announcement was mixed on Marlin High School's Facebook page.
Some said that the five students who followed instructions and did what they were supposed to do shouldn't be punished because of everyone else.
Others commented that those who couldn't graduate should do what generations of students before them had to do - go to summer school, or flunk and be held back for another school year.
The blame of course can be put in many places. Parents, schools, counselors, the state, definitely Weingarten, but in the end it obviously falls on each individual student themselves, especially regarding the attendance issue.
Unfortunately, the numbers show that the educational system is an absolute disaster right now for America, and it is only getting worst. Math and reading comprehension levels are an absolute mess right now - something that so many of us knew would happen due to the mandatory remote learning push as well as the lack of a year-plus being away from school.
Hopefully Marlin's graduation extension allows everyone to fulfill the necessary requirements and get a diploma. But the larger issue still remains - Randi Weingarten, the school unions, and states failed American children's future.