Sydney Sweeney Gone Wild Down Under, Elizabeth Hurley Wild Sauna Content, A Beautiful Creed Thanksgiving Shirt You Need

Major drama is playing out in one suburban Ohio neighborhood & this should be turned into an episode of Dateline

Identities have been protected here so it doesn't cause even more drama in this undisclosed neighborhood.

• Anonymous writes:

We got a piece of mail today that was a return to sender. Weird, because we never send mail. We open it because it's got our address as the sender and the recipient is a new neighbor about 4 houses down. Here's what was inside….

So, needless to say, we got to meet our neighbors today and they were nice 😂. We've casually talked but today we marched down and confirmed it wasn't us who wrote that but somebody put our address on it.

We don't know . They don't know. They went to the police and they said it's not threatening enough. Our neighbor is a detective and he just laughed. I mean it's funny and childish but I don't want to get caught in the crossfire of this bulls--t(.)

Nobody knows . I don't know them well enough to know if they have an enemy or somebody. The lady said her husbands dad worked for the company so they thought maybe I had beef with him… but I'm guessing that dude retired waaaaay before I started working there. It's weird(.)


As a content guy who has built a career on content, all I can say is WOW!

After a little more investigating, I've learned there's talk of a possible intelligence-gathering campaign to determine which neighbor would pull such a stunt.

Who would do such a thing? Stay tuned. I'm glued to this story.

Has anything similar played out in your neighborhood over the years? Anonymous could use some help here. How can he break this case wide open?


NFL players to root for

I tried to tell you those Ferguson boys were worth rooting for.

And how about this one out of Indianapolis where Shaq Leonard was cut and still showed up to the Colts turkey giveaway?

You might want to root for this guy. Your call.

Non-traditional Thanksgiving

• Aaron in Lisbon, WI writes:

I'm curious if anyone else out there celebrates Thanksgiving in non-traditional ways. My kids (10 & 7) have never experienced Thanksgiving the way most people do. 

We shun the family get-together for an annual FL vacation. On Tuesday/Wednesday we make the brutal drive from WI to Anna Maria, FL. Thursday everything on the island is closed, so our day consists of the beach & pool. I kick the day off with an early tee time, and this will be the first year my son will join me. 

No Turkey, stuffing or pumpkin pie. 

No disagreements with the lib-lib sister-in-law. 

Food changes every year, but the only mainstay is a tray of Cubanitos from Publix. 


That's a 1,340-mile drive. Even at a steady 75 miles an hour, my Apple Calculator® has that at an 18-hour trip without bathroom breaks or stopping for gas. Based on his email, I have to assume Aaron packs a cooler with food and drinks.

Make a sandwich, kids!

My follow-up question for Aaron: When do you leave to come home?

Look, I'm all for experiencing the beauty of Florida over the holidays as long as I don't have to do that return trip for like a week. If Aaron has to turn around and leave Saturday afternoon to get the kids home for school on Monday he's an absolute animal.

I'll await his reply to determine what level of animal we're talking about here.


• Aaron writes at 8:48 a.m. EST:

We drive back on Conference Championship Saturday. The drive is the only brutal part. Yesterday what should have been a 14 1/2 hour drive, took 18 hours. We stopped in Macon, GA, and are finishing today. Just stopped at Buc-ee's!


OK, Aaron is an animal, but he's not to the level of insane animal that needs an intervention from the Screencaps community. At least he gets a week to start thinking of that return trip.

Military pics for Todd Z. and his gang of sunset haters

• Harvey D. writes:

The tank (Labor Day Parade, Lima OH where they are made) is one they had "lightweighted" as not to trash every road during parades in West Central OH. Pretty damn wild to see it roll by, you hear the treads slap the road long before you ever hear the engine. For as big as it is its spooky quiet.

• Laura L. in Michigan writes:

This is one of my favorite photos of my dad Tom, along with my Uncle Vic, taken at the end of WWII. Dad is on the right. He was a 1st Lieutenant with the 813th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Vic, on the left, was a Captain with the Infantry, I believe. Dad landed in Germany D-Day + 21.  He met up with my uncle at some German relative’s farm (hence the goat). Dad always said their relative looked pretty scared to see two American soldiers walking up to the front door! Dad’s mom’s family came from Germany so we had a lot of relatives over there.

Fun sports fact: Uncle Vic went to Butler University on a football scholarship and played for Tony Hinkle!

Thanks Joe! Happy Thanksgiving!

The Frontier Flight Freakout: Good luck to those flying the budget airlines this holiday season

• Michael F. writes:

Hello Mr Kinsey,

Greetings from fellow Rocket class of 1987 residing in Ponte Vedra Beach FL. Top 25 Ranked Rockets!

I am 60 years old, have traveled well over 200,000 air miles in my life, and have never experienced an episode like this one. Is it that people are getting more nuts or there are way more cell phones to record such episodes? Given the fact that a portion of college-educated citizens believe there are more than two genders, and get triggered when not addressed by the proper pronoun, I put my money on the former. I fear for the future, but know there is hope.

I thoroughly enjoy your work, SCREENCAPS RULES! I’ll be sending a sunrise photo once it clears up down here.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Browns fan Rick got real serious on me and is mad over how I took a shot at Browns fans and says it's very beta of me and that I'm a soy boy

• Rick writes:

From your post today: "I’d even be up for Cleveland to lose in the AFC title game on a Hail Mary just to see the emotions pour out." 

Hilarious image (and typical I'm sure) as a Cleveland sports fan I can appreciate the amusement from that.  However, it feels pretty beta-male of someone who ends columns with imagery of the Intimidator to want to see a team lose just so fans feel like crap. 

That's the kind of reasoning I'd expect out of a blue-haired man-bun soy boy wearing a Biden/Harris face mask and pronoun badge while holding up a transwomen are women sign and shouting from the river to the sea. 

I respect wanting your team to win, and I respect wanting a hated rival to lose, but I feel like that's really the end of it (Eagles fans not included, pretty sure they are the exception, I mean, it was Santa!  How could you?!?); gloating over a game you had nothing to do with to persons who had nothing to do with the outcome just to bathe in their misery. 

Beta is really the only word there. 

Let's not forget, there are fan groups that react with great class after defeats (thinking of the Bills fans throwing lots of money to other teams' charities for instance) and does any of it really matter if your team isn't the champ?

All ribbing aside though, hope all out there have a great, minimally stressful holiday week with those you care about.

Rick adds:

Apologies for the follow-up here, I meant to add this at the end of the other message, but what does it say about you as a person if you seek and derive satisfaction from the misery of others once your team is out?

I know misery loves company, but it's hollow and no fun. No accusations or insults intended toward anyone there, just a personal philosophy.


That's it, I'm beta. Guilty.

I'm now getting up approximately an hour earlier than the last 15 years and a bunch of Screencaps readers chimed in with root causes

Reminder: I don't have a problem going to sleep. I don't have trouble falling asleep in the recliner. I don't have trouble falling asleep when I go to bed. I don't wake up stressed. I don't wake up because I have to take a leak into an LED-lit toilet like so many of you. I just get up ready to roll in a POSITIVE way.

• Brian in Montclair, NJ writes:

Welcome to the club Joe. We get jackets.

At least you bolt awake at 5 am. I’m 54 and it's been a 4 am wake up call going on a couple years now. I blame my dad who, like your grandfather, is always up early, mostly between 4 am. and 4:30 am. So I think genes are playing a role. Same thing though. No trouble falling asleep, no trouble staying asleep. But when the internal clock alarm hits 4 am, it’s go time.

Now let me be honest about something - I don’t mind it one bit. Not only is my house shut down, but the world is shut down at 4 am, even here in the NYC area. So calming. Get the morning constitution out of the way in peace, grab some coffee, spend time with my dog, read the paper, browse the web, answer some emails, listen to some overnight/early morning music on Q104.3 FM radio. (Yes, FM radio. I still enjoy the DJs and always will.)

I used to try to fight it when it first started happening, but it was a losing battle, so I took my losses and rolled with it. The problem comes around 9:30 pm., when the battle begins to keep my eyes open. I don’t give up in that fight, but I don’t always win either.

Enjoy your mornings.


Thank you, Brian, for making my sleep revelation feel less weird than the rest of the emails you're about to read. Until Brian's email, I was starting to think I might end up seeing a psychologist, a sleep expert, a pillow expert, a mattress expert, etc.

Brian's email was needed to feel like I'm not alone here in just waking up ready to go after less than normal sleep.

• Ryan in Charlottesville, VA writes:

Let me throw in my two cents on your sleep issues.  Granted, I am in no way an expert, but had something similar happen.  Now, I have awoken at 5 am for the last 25 years because I was in the Army, but about eight years ago, I started waking up at 1 am ready to go to battle.  I talked to my Doctor who recommended I see a sleep specialist (neurologist in this case).  

The neurologist explained that sleep apnea, if severe enough, can cause a fight or flight response in the brain and this is why I was waking up ready for the day to begin.  Dude set me up for a sleep study with the local hospital where a thorough study was conducted.  I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and prescribed a CPAP.  That thing took about two weeks to really get used wearing, but I have not had any issues with waking up at 1 am since.

Maybe this could be your issue too.


I'm definitely not waking up in fight or flight at 1 a.m.! I'm out like a rock! I'm just wondering why I all of a sudden started getting up earlier than normal feeling all refreshed.

• Joe G. says:

I'm 60 and have been waking up every morning between 2 and 4 AM for the past year or so. Not feeling like I'm shot out of a cannon. Weekends are the same, it just happens a little later.

I then spend the next 2-3 hours trying to go back to sleep, until my bladder decides to join in on the fun. Toss and turn until it's time to go to work. LoL on the LED toilet as I've had one of those stuck to the lid for several years.

I've just accepted it as a part of getting old. I hope it improves for you.


Hang in there, Joe G.

I'm feeling fortunate to just be dealing with getting up an hour earlier. That's my issue. I'm not even sure I need to hope for anything to improve. I'm starting to like these earlier mornings.

• Jim T. writes:

Age-related insomnia doesn’t usually hit until the 50s – you seem a bit young for that.

Sounds like stress – although I’m not a doctor (and don’t even play one on TV). But with Ohio State facing the prospect of another loss to Mishitagain, that would make sense.

Another question: How much caffeine do you ingest over the course of a day?


I'm just waking up an hour earlier!

My only caffeine intake is iced tea at most twice per day. UNSWEET.

• Travel ball hardo Chris B. in Houston writes:

If you have never taken melatonin, you might try it.  It's magical for me, and you can try it for $5-10 with no prescription.  

You have a different issue than me... I have a hard time falling asleep... but it's been an amazing find for me.  According to my doctor, don't buy the gummies as apparently that's a very imprecise way to dose meds. 

Buy the pills.  I suggest you try 2 or 3 mg.  If I take more than that I am groggy in the morning.



All I'm doing is waking up an hour earlier and feeling great. PILLS?!? I'm just trying to figure out if this new body clock will result in me joining a McDonald's coffee club with the local farmers.

• William M. writes:

Your favorite old ball coach Jim Harbaugh stealing your dreams and sleep. Jim Harbaugh is all up in your head running wild. It’s probably caused by Ryan Day being on the hot seat.

• Florida Chris B. writes:

Hi Joe — Didn’t we just put the clocks back a couple weeks ago? What was 6 is now 5. Your body knows.

Also, welcome to early middle age, young buck. See you at the coffee shop.


That might be it! My internal clock might not be calibrated!

Thank you to the level-headed readers who didn't try to push pills or medical appointments on me. I was starting to think I was a mental case there for a minute because I'm now getting my local weather at 5 a.m. instead of 6 a.m.

Stadium sunsets

• Mark W. writes:

My old college stadium-Williams Brice in Columbia, SC. I didn't take the picture. A friend sent it to me and it is spectacular. 

Go Gamecocks, beat Clempson!

Thanks for all you do. Happy Thanksgiving. 

TNMLer Jason in Far Nor Cal isn't asking you to buy squares to fund his kid's travel ball team...he's just asking you to vote for his kid's school in the Metallica High School Band of the Year competition

• Jason in Far Nor Cal writes:

Hey Joe.  Metallica is running a program for high school/college bands who perform their songs a chance to win band equipment. My son is a senior at Foothill High School in Palo Cedro, CA. It’s unfortunate that it’s the same high school that Megan Rapinoe went to, but the band program rocks.

I didn’t feel comfortable sharing this link on the FB page as I got kicked to the curb for something random after the launch.

Anyway, I thought maybe we could get a movement going on high school bands rocking Metallica like our friend who got a Hallmark movie. 

Please check out the other participants. America is good.


Again, if you're going to vote in the Metallica High School Marching Band of the Year contest, Jason is asking for your vote: Foothill High School in Palo Cedro, CA.

That's it this morning for Thanksgiving Eve.

Good luck to those of you out on the highways and at the airports. Make sure to send me things you see, reports on things you experience and full updates on any drama at the family dinner. Bonus points if there are any plates of mashed potatoes thrown over politics and you catch it on video.

PLEASE send me that content.

I know many of you are out for several days. Remember: Screencaps won't sleep. It will be here all weekend. Consume it. Tell your brother-in-law about the column. Tell your brothers, your sisters, your enemies and even the sunset haters.

Have a great weekend and have a Happy Thanksgiving.


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Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.