Swiss Soccer Star Who Was Offered $100K For One-Night Stand Defended For Playing With Her Sexuality On The Pitch

Alisha Lehmann, the Swiss soccer star who last month claimed to have been offered $100,000 by a celebrity for a one-night stand, recently came under attack for wearing makeup during a match.

The hardo soccer bros out there didn't like it one bit, and made their feelings known. Some called it unprofessional. Others were downright stunned Lehmann would dare dress up for a soccer match.

Her club --  Aston Villa -- won the match easily, by the way. 7-1. Blowout City in the soccer world.

It was disgusting, and one well-known soccer voice -- Vicki Blomme -- hopped on a recent podcast to defend the Swiss star from all the online trolls.

 "Look at Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo. I think makeup and personal grooming are seen differently than if a boy does his hair," she told the Soccer Sisters podcast.

"Yes, she plays with her sexuality, but they have done it many times. A lot of people think it's vanity, but it's also feeling. The feeling of feeling confident and strong, there's something to that. I think it's good that we're different and that we look however we want.

"You take some of the attention away from football, but that's how it happened also with Beckham. There is nothing wrong with playing football with makeup, we have to stop blaming them."

Alisha Lehmann plays by her own rules

I don't watch soccer and frankly there ain't enough money on this planet to get me to. Just not my thing. But I'm very much Team Alisha Lehmann here. Who the hell are you to tell a soccer star what they should look like on the pitch?

Not me, you, or anyone else on God's green earth has the authority to trash a hot soccer player for sprucing up a bit before a big game. What did Deion Sanders used to say?

You look good, you feel good, you feel good, you play good.

Maybe not the best time to be using Coach Prime for inspiration, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, for those who missed it -- and of course OutKick didn't -- Alisha Lehmann recently made waves for claiming a famous celeb once offered her $100k for one night of sex.

“I was in Miami, my favorite place, and I met some friends at a club,” she said on the Dir Tea Talk podcast. “I got a message on my mobile, which I didn’t reply to, but the same person then messaged the bodyguard looking after me.

“The texts came from a very well known person. We had previously bumped into one another at an event. The message said, ‘I will pay Alisha 100,000 Swiss francs (roughly $110,000) to spend a night with her.'”

Side note: LOVE how they use the word mobile instead of phone. We're so boring over here.

Anyway, Alisha turned the offer down, but who knows? Maybe our mystery celeb gives it another go after seeing her all dolled up on the pitch earlier this week?

Can't wait to find out.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.