Super Agent Drew Rosenhaus Keeps Jerking Around With Sharks In The Ocean & Now I'm Beginning To Worry
I don't know Drew Rosenhaus, but I'm officially worried that he's going to dick around with one too many sharks and find himself as a one-armed NFL super agent.
The Bad Boy of the Tropics was at it again today off the coast of Florida where he was fishing with Tyreek Hill and friends when someone snagged a Dusty Shark that Drew had to see eye-to-eye.
Now, this isn't out of the ordinary for Drew. I've blogged videos like this at least 3-4 times over the years where Drew Cousteau jumps into the water and starts wrestling sharks.
Let's go to the footage:
Why does Drew get into the water to wrestle with sharks?
I'm not sure.
For the content?
It's not the type of behavior you typically see out of a boat captain or a passenger, but Drew has spent his entire life in Miami and you clearly don't jump into the ocean to grab a shark's tail if you don't know what you're doing.
Here's my concern for Rosenhaus: He's now 56 years old and just like wide receivers turning 30, there comes a point when you've lost a step on the competition. Sure, the over-30 WR could have a great year here and there, but the stats tell us that 30 is typically where you lose that burst of speed and the game starts to pass you by.
At what age do you stop wrestling sharks in the ocean? You have the content from other wrestling matches, Drew.
#neverforget Steve Irwin was just 44 in 2006 when a stingray barb went through his thoracic wall.
"Safety first," Drew's wife wrote on Tuesday's shark wrestling expedition video.
It's one thing to go into the ocean to get your hands on a Goliath Grouper, it's another to be getting hands-on with a shark that Wiki says "is considered to be potentially dangerous to humans" and a shark that "little is known of how it behaves towards people underwater."
One minute you have both hands to text with, the next minute you're holding your phone with your chin and texting left-handed.
#staysafe Drew.