South Carolina Has To Rename Its Rooster And Fans Want 'Cock Commander'

South Carolina is renaming its live rooster mascot formerly known as Sir Big Spur before the Gamecocks open the season September 3.

Why the name change? Glad you asked.

Buckle up.

According to The State, it all boils down to whether or not the bird's comb should be trimmed. 

Apparently, the rooster's former owners, Mary Snelling and Ron Albertelli, used to trim the comb - the red stuff on the rooster's head.

The Albertelli's did this because it made the bird look more like a fighting Gamecock.

However, the new owners - Beth and Van Clark - have opted not to trim the comb because of health reasons.

Well, the agreement with the Albertelli's that allowed the university to use the name ran out, and they're clearly not happy that this rooster ain't getting a haircut, so they basically said you're on your own!

Now, the Clarks have nine days to give Sir Big Spur a new name before USC opens the season against Georgia State.

Apparently, fans wanted to just take the easy road and rename it Big Spur, but that's too close to the original name and the school's legal team nixed it.

Which brings us to the good stuff ...

The State, which has been around for over century, came up with 10 new names for the rooster, put together a poll and asked readers to vote.

The options include: Mr. Chicken Scratch, Marco Pollo, Capt. Cluck, Cock-a-doodle-dude, Kickin' Chicken, Brooster, Cluck Norris, General, Coop and Cock Commander.

Anyone wanna guess which one is absolutely blowing the doors off the other nine?

Cock Commander, baby!

That name has so far received over 50% of the vote and it's climbing.

It's a great name, for obvious reasons, and one that the university surely wouldn't use ... again, for obvious reasons.

But it's what the good people of South Carolina want, so I'm all for it!

If I'm the Clarks, I dive head first into that name and watch my rooster become the most famous rooster on the planet.

You wanna beat Nick Saban? Take down Alabama? Conquer Georgia?

You need Cock Commander. There's no other way around it.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.