Save The Fake Outrage Over Baby Gronk's Dad Being A Scumbag, He's Just A Reflection Of The AAU & Travel Ball World You Created: Joe Kinsey
What a day it was Tuesday for fake outrage over Baby Gronk's scumbag dad, Jake San Miguel, the 35-year-old social media generation's version of Marv Marinovich, the father who attempted to test-tube his son, Todd, into becoming a dominant NFL quarterback only to see him flame out via a drug addiction.
It's 2023 and Jake San Miguel is just the reincarnation of Marv, minus the actual ambition of turning the 10-year-old son, Madden, into an NFL talent.
Let's stop the bullshit right here: Jake's masterplan is to take a cute little boy, who's irresistible to content-hungry media outlets, and turn him into a :30-second viral video machine social influencer who will then turn that power into an empire that can then ultimately pivot into a Jake Paul model down the road when his football skills are no longer the main attraction.
The goal: Make Baby Gronk famous for just being famous and then ride that for as long as humanly possible.
Jake is just a reflection of what's been building for years from a culture of AAU dads, travel ball dads, and a world where the likes of Alabama are offering college scholarships to middle schoolers.
The fake outrage blue checkmarks want to act like Jake San Miguel is a scumbag while there are tens of thousands of scumbags out there pimping their kids to travel ball teams and AAU parents pimping out their kids to clothing brands for cash.
It's just that Jake is doing this out in the open right in your faces and now the blue checkmarks want to act like this is so disgusting.
You idiots built this market and NOW you want to put Jake back into the genie bottle?
Too late.
The interview that has everyone furious with Baby Gronk's dad comes from an April 14 interview with "Bring the Juice" podcast where Jake San Miguel coaches Madden to tell the hosts he "gets full body massages from baddies" like he's a character from HBO's "Ballers."
3...2...1...we have outrage.
"We can be done with this stupidity immediately," Detroit radio host Jim Costa tweeted.
"The dad gotta be arrested," wrote another blue checkmark.
The responses just kept coming from other blue checkmarks.
"This is the most embarrassing thing I’ve watched in a long time."
"Put this kid’s dad in a psychiatric facility and shame on these podcasts and people doing this to a kid."
And then we have a guy who gets it.
"I mean as I said yesterday this is bad and in the worst form. However there are so many high school kids who have parents living through them, answering every tweet, message getting dopamine off that. This is the just the worst version but all versions are gross!" Quincy Avery correctly tweeted.
Jake San Miguel isn't some unicorn in the sports world. He's just more visible, way more willing to put all of this into the Google archives, and more driven to be the biggest scumbag AAU and travel ball dad of them all.
All of us fed into creating Baby Gronk's dad
ESPN started showing high school football games and produced them like we're watching college football games. Then ESPN airs some fake charter school in Ohio that claimed to be good at football getting smoked by IMG in one of the biggest high school TV sports debacles ever.
ESPN brought on scouting experts to tell us all about these high school kids who were the future of college football.
ESPN took the 12-year-olds at the Little League World Series and made it seem like we were watching the MLB playoffs. Oh, but wait, then ESPN saw a new lane and started broadcasting the LLWS Regionals.
The Internet loves cute kids pretending they're 24 and dominating the NFL. Content farms love videos of peewee kids using Madden spin moves -- this boy was dubbed the next Tavon Austin and racked up 16M YouTube views. We love kids getting pranked by their travel ball moms on April Fool's Day with humiliating walk-up songs.
We love to show our kids on Facebook holding up their stupid World Series rings for winning some travel ball tournament they won't care about after the buzz of the concession stand Slushie wears off. We think it's cute to let Baby Gronk on the field for batting practice while wearing his ice. We love high school football players signing with agencies to represent them in college.
Folks, I hate to break it to you, but over-the-top Jake San Miguel was bound to happen.
Baby Gronk's dad asked me 'something disturbing'
Tuesday, as the fake outrage brigade was doing its thing, Instagram social media sports influencer (all I know is that she ended up at a bunch of sporting events in various states of undress), Lacey Jane Brown decided to tell her "disturbing" story about Baby Gronk's father like she was joining the #metoo movement.
"Thought it was time to share my story…," Brown told her followers.
OK, go on.
"What I thought was going to be a kid-friendly collab turned into something disturbing," Brown said as her #metoo video got cranking.
OK, go on. Let's get to this story about Baby Gronk's dad.
"So after countless DMs and during my NFL stadium tour I was at the Cowboys Stadium so I agreed to collab with Baby Gronk and his dad suggested I interview his son and no this was not an Aiden Diggs interview. You know where the kid had a voice. Baby Gronk was told every second what to say by his dad," Brown continued.
Seriously, let's get to the disturbing part.
"So I was throwing the football to Baby Gronk when his dad told me to take off my jacket and said stuff like, 'It'll get more views,' and telling his son how good I looked and that he should get closer and I was disturbed.
"This kid, a child, hasn't even hit puberty, yet his dad is sexualizing females in front of him...for views? Listen, I'm not a parent and I don't like to judge others parenting but in this case, I'm gonna: Do better Big Baby Gronk."
Before committing to the "collab," Lacey must not have looked into the Baby Gronk archive where the father has been doing this stuff for years.
Perhaps Lacey just has a bad eye for kids being exploited for content.
Notice the captions. All of this content was posted before Big Baby Gronk's meet-up with Brown:
The blueprint is right here for the next generation of Baby Gronks and Baby .
The genie is out of the bottle. Now you get to deal with Jake San Miguel for years to come.