Ride Along With A Biker As He Slams Into A Truck At 140 MPH, Then Gets Run Over By A Semi

Anyone feel like starting your Saturday with a death ride down I-95 near Daytona Beach? Who wouldn't? One biker did just that earlier this year, and he even wore a Go-Pro -- which are apparently still a thing -- to show us what it's like.

As you can see by the name of the below video -- aptly titled Crash -- you're in for one hell of a ride. Now, you can watch the entire thing if you'd like to really build up the tension. Or, you can start around the 3:40 mark and go from there. Your call.

Spoiler alert: ramming into the back of a pickup and then getting your legs run over by a semi looks about as fun as I imagined.

Biker nearly decapitated in Daytona Beach

WOWWWWWWW! What a hit! And it’s not just the hit, either. It’s the fact that our man got run over by the semi after the initial blow.

Talk about a brutal 1-2 punch.

Since he told us above to read the description, here's a little nugget:

I call it an accident but it was clearly my fault. Too much confidence for too little skill. Thankfully made it out alive, and didn't lose any limbs. 20+ fractures in my face, broke arm in half in two different places, collapsed lung, broken rib, two fractured spine discs. I'll be back to ride again one day, but not like I used to. Riding like I did was fun as hell, but I want to have fun for a long time.

Over 20 facial fractures, arm split in half, deflated lung, couple broken ribs ... wild.

Look, I despise bikers who do this around here, and it happens all the time. I live right outside Daytona and it’s just constant. The most obnoxious thing on the planet. Sorry, but it's true. I love bikers in general. Salt of the earth. But not when they do this.

I’m glad the dude’s OK — which is shocking given the fact that he literally moved a pickup truck out of the way — but other than that, you’ll get no sympathy from me.

Wild ride, though.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.