Reporter Dresses Like Senator John Fetterman, Isn't Allowed In Fancy NYC Restaurants

Pennsylvania Democratic Senator John Fetterman became the butt of all jokes this past week as Americans from across the country mocked him and his colleagues for relaxing the Senate's dress code rules.

The Senator appeared on the Senate floor in his trademark gray hooded sweatshirt and shorts after he and a majority of the Senate voted for chamber's formal dress code to be reduced from a suit and tie or nice dresses to looking like slobs.


Literally Fetterman looks like your friend's dad from high school that showed up in a sweat suit and you were mortified just being anywhere near him. Or when you say hi to someone and then look at what they're actually wearing and your mouth begins to curl and you can't wait to get the hell out of there. You immediately judge that person. We've all been there, and that is now our United States Senate. Fantastic!

Big Tech spying on everything you do? Big Pharma getting ready to put your health at risk? Don't worry everyone, the United States Senate is on top of it, but first they need to make sure they're in comfortable clothes.


With the Senate becoming more and more of a joke each passing day, the New York Post hilariously tried to go to New York City's top spots dressed in Fetterman's wardrobe and see if they would be served.

It went exactly how you thought it would. Many of the city's best and most expensive spots turned away the Post reporter and wouldn't even let him sit down for a drink. In one instance, a steakhouse called The Grill actually held the front doors shut so the reporter couldn't enter - all because he dressed as disheveled as the Senator from Pennsylvania!

It sure is something when an NYC bar has higher standards than the fricken United States Senate.


God help anyone that has to spend time in the Senate. You know that Fetterman's sweatshirt absolutely reeks - there aint no way he's cleaning that on a daily basis. And then you have the smell of old people like Senator McConnell and Diane Feinstein who stink like mothballs probably.

Only in America, folks! Or your local gymnasium.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.