Paige Spiranac, Kay Adams Agree To Shoot Tequila Shots Together In Crossover Event Of The Century

In the biggest crossover event since The Simpsons and Family Guy, Paige Spiranac and Kay Adams are teaming up to slam tequila shots on the golf course.

That, boys and girls, is what you call content.

Spiranac -- the world's No. 1 golf influencer -- and Adams -- the world's No. 1 media personality -- made the news official earlier today on Adams' FanDuel show, Up & Adams.

Spiranac hopped on the program after the two went back and forth on the site formerly known as Twitter earlier this week about possibly hitting the links together.

A few minutes in, Kay popped the question. The rest was history.

Paige Spiranac and Kay Adams are about to make history

Mammoth news here in the influencer world. Did anyone have Kay Adams and Paige Spiranac shooting tequila shots together on their 2023 Bingo card? I certainly didn't.

It really is a huge crossover event for us in the #content game. Make Olivia Dunne a caddy and the world might explode. I'm sure the Google algorithms would.

Hell, maybe Queen Kay now makes a cameo in Paige's 2024 swimsuit calendar she's been teasing for a month now? One can only dream.

Anyway, it's a big deal. I'm trying to think back to the big TV crossover events of the past, and the Simpsons-Family guy one was huge. There were also a few King of Queens-Everybody Loves Raymond episodes, too.

What else? Jimmy Neutron and Timmy Turner? That was big for the generation behind me. The Jetsons and the Flintstones had one decades ago, and I'm pretty sure Scooby-Doo has literally every single superhero known to man on the show at one point or another.

Other ones that come to mind include: Sabrina and Boy Meets World, Magnum PI and Murder She Wrote, and Gilligan's Island and ALF.

What a wormhole.

Anyway, bottom line? Paige Spiranac and Kay Adams are about to join that list, and, if they play their cards right, top it.

Let's have a day.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.